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ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA <br />a. Minutes <br />The Board considered approval andlor correction of minutes from the following <br />meetings: <br />May 5, 2003 BOCC Work Session {7:30 p.m.} <br />May 6, 2003 BOCC Regular Meeting <br />May 13, 2003 BOCC Budget Work Session <br />May 20, 2003 BOCC Regular Meeting <br />May 22, 2003 BOCC Budget Presentation and Work Session <br />May 27, 2003 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />May 29, 2003 Budget Public Hearing <br />June 3, 2003 BOCC Regular Meeting <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the minutes except far May 20t", because the Clerk needs to listen to the tape <br />again, and to approve May 6t" 13t" and June 3rd with her corrections on the pink sheet. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />o. Contract Approval for Topographic Survey for Northern Human Services Center <br />Park <br />The Board considered awarding a contract far professional services associated with a <br />topographic survey of the property planned for the Northern Human Services Center Park; <br />and considered authorizing ERCD to work with the Purchasing Director in executing a <br />contract with Landmark Surveying, Inc. for a topographic survey of the Northern Human <br />Services Center Park property. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave <br />Stancil if this is the low bid. Dave Stancil said no it is not the low bid. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there is a law about giving preferential treatment to <br />Orange County vendors, but this seems to be an area where we could work better with <br />people who live and work in Orange County. This contract is for someone from Graham. <br />He would like to work with contractors from Orange County a little more aggressively. <br />Dave Stancil said that previous bids have gone to surveyors in Orange County and this <br />group was the best. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />authorize ERCD to work with the Purchasing Director in executing a contract with Landmark <br />Surveying, Inc. for a topographic survey of the Northern Human Services Center Park <br />property. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />t. Proposal AwardlContract Approval: CTIP Update Consultant <br />The Board considered awarding a proposal and approving a contract with Wilbur Smith <br />Associates (VI1SA} to update the County's Community Transportation Improvement Plan <br />{CTIP}; and authorizing the Purchasing Director to work with the consultant and OPT staff to <br />finalize terms of an agreement; and authorizing the Chair to sign the resulting agreement on <br />behalf of the Board; and endorsing the Steering Team members as indicated; and <br />appointing Commissioners Alice Gordan and Barry Jacobs to represent the Board's <br />interests during the Steering Team meetings with the consultants. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there was a revised agenda item at their place this <br />evening and she wants to know what was changed. Purchasing and Central Services <br />Director Pam Janes said that the modification to the abstract was that a meeting was added <br />and it changed the financial impact. The added meeting adds $1,000 to the actual cost. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought the contract should be explicit in indicating <br />that we would look at our relationship with other transit providers. She suggested adding <br />