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WHEREAS, this unique service model involves patients directly in the governing of the <br />operations of the organizations; and <br />WHEREAS, community health centers are community awned and operated not-for-profit <br />businesses that provide access to quality, cost effective primary and preventative health care <br />and are vital to the well being of the Orange County community; and <br />WHEREAS, these health centers provide care to 1 of every 5 low-income babies born in <br />America, 1 of every 8 uninsured individuals, 1 of every 9 people of color, 1 of every 9 Medicaid <br />beneficiaries, and 1 of every 10 rural Americans, and these individuals would otherwise lack <br />access to health care: and <br />WHEREAS, these health centers contribute to our community by keeping children healthy and <br />in school, and helping adults remain productive and on the job; and <br />WHEREAS, community health centers promote 100°~ access and zero health disparities to help <br />achieve primary health care for all people and these health centers tailor their services to fit the <br />special needs and priorities of communities, and work together with schools, businesses, <br />churches, community organizations, foundations, and State and local governments; and <br />WHEREAS, there are more than 1,000 such centers serving 13,000,000 people at more than <br />4,000 health delivery sites, spanning urban and rural communities in all 50 states, the District of <br />Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands; and <br />WHEREAS, Piedmont Health Services, Inc. is a private, non-profit corporation that operates six <br />health centers and a birthing center in four counties including Orange, Alamance, Chatham, and <br />Caswell and provide high quality comprehensive primary health care to medically underserved <br />people; and <br />WHEREAS, Piedmont Health Services contributes to the health and well-being of the Orange <br />County community by serving over 15,000 residents and by keeping children healthy and in <br />school and helping adults remain productive and on the job; and <br />WHEREAS, Piedmont Health Services contributes to the economic health of the community by <br />employing approximately 200 health professionals annually for the past 33 years; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners do <br />hereby proclaim the week of August 25 through 29, 2003 as "Community Health Center Week" <br />in Orange County and urge all citizens to recognize the important contributions of community <br />health centers to the improvement of the general quality of life of the residents and citizens of <br />Orange County. <br />Adopted this the 19th day of August, 2003 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. NACo 2003 Achievement Awards <br />The Board officially acknowledged and presented the National Association of Counties <br />2003 Achievement Awards to staff responsible for the development and implementation of the <br />