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the owner had so much time to respond. Craig Benedict said that they have taken them to the <br />state building code court for demolition of the structure. They have received a permit from the <br />State for asbestos abatement, which is a precursor to demolition of the building. Craig Benedict <br />said that they are close to having this contract awarded to demolish this building. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that on the news this evening there was a regional <br />meeting on initiatives on polluted air. He asked if anyone was invited to go to this. He said that <br />the reporter said that one of the objectives was long-term growth management. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he had the honor of judging barbecue at Hillsborough <br />Hog Day. He said that two of the judges that were born in North Carolina chose the same <br />winner as he did. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked the staff far helping the Board get through the budget <br />process. He thinks the County did a good job of trying to keep the impact of taxes to a minimum <br />while still maintaining programs. He thinks we all regret that we could not da mare. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he attended a meeting of the Needs Assessment <br />Advisory Committee for the Durham Tech satellite campus. He thanked everyone that attended <br />and gave suggestions. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he attended aDurham-Chapel Hill-Orange Work Group <br />meeting recently and there was an item on the agenda -the preliminary agreement for review <br />with Durham City regarding I-85/US 70 area where there is an economic development district. <br />They talked about having at the next meeting on September 10t" a review of open space issues <br />with Durham County and City, Chapel Hill, and Orange County. Environment and Resource <br />Conservation Director David Stancil is working on setting up another meeting. The goal is to <br />have a more collaborative formalized relationship. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said to make sure that the congratulations letter that was sent to <br />Progress Energy was also sent to newspapers regarding the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Orange County received another award from NACO for <br />the website for Orange County farms. The website is More <br />participation is needed to make it a success. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said if the Board was to reconsider the APS contract it would be <br />a question of the three that voted in the majority. His sense is that he was not trying to send <br />anyone a message. He felt like the deliberations were an attempt to take an action. He still <br />awaits a report from staff and HSUS. He does not have a firm opinion one way or another. He <br />appreciated what Ms. Peterson said and that they will continue with the animals. He urged <br />people to not take any deep messages but to go about their business to the best of their ability <br />and that they should expect the Board of County Commissioners to act on goad faith. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he did not believe that any of the Board members were <br />trying to send messages to the shelter. He said that he would wait until the HSUS report was <br />received before he makes a decision. He said that it was unlikely that anything would be <br />implemented before December because of everything that has to be done to make it work <br />properly. He asked the Board to add to the agenda as item 9-a, a reconsideration of the <br />decision about the three month contract and month to month thereafter and to reconsider a six <br />month contract. He made this in the form of a motion. <br />Chair Brown said that she would need Geof Gledhill's advice on this. <br />Geof Gledhill said that to reconsider the previous decision, those who voted for the <br />three-month contract would have to suggest it and it would have to be approved. Alternatively, <br />the Board could vote without reconsidering the prior action to amend the contract to change the <br />term, which would be a new action. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />add the APS contract to the agenda as item 9a-1. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 3; Nays, 2 (Chair Brown and Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />