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regularly scheduled meeting, there is consideration of a work session to discuss the issues on <br />the agenda. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the first item and the derivation of the notion <br />that the Planning Board would approve subdivisions without the County Commissioners' <br />approval. Craig Benedict said that this is an incentive that the Planning Board could approve up <br />to 6-12 lots. This is a discussion point. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the intent was that we are encouraging smaller <br />subdivisions, which seems to be the antithesis of what a planner would want. Craig Benedict <br />said smaller subdivisions are better in rural areas and then larger subdivisions in urban growth <br />areas. <br />Chair Brown asked if anything on this for the public hearing could be eliminated <br />and Geof Gledhill said that it is possible that the notice will be out there and then things could <br />be deleted on the 19t" <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Jacobs about the 6-12 lots <br />approval by the Planning Board. She said that if the Board is not interested in this, it should not <br />be advertised. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if it can be deleted, he is open to talking about it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chair Brown to <br />change the public hearing notice to say, "6-12 lots approved by the Planning Board andlor the <br />Commissioners" and under major subdivisions, "6-20 lots approved by the Planning Board <br />andlor the Commissioners." <br />VOTE: Ayes, 2 (Chair Brown and Commissioner Gordon); Nays, 3 (Commissioner Halkiotis, <br />Commissioner Jacobs, and Commissioner Carey) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to approve the public hearing legal advertisement for item 1 -Orange County Zoning and <br />Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendments - as written. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon added to number 2, to change the <br />I-85 Buckhorn Area EDD from primary development area to secondary development area in a <br />specific portion south of I-8511-40. <br />There was no second, so the motion failed. <br />A motion was made by Chair Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve item 2 -Amend the text of Article 6.29.3 of the Zoning Ordinance (Economic <br />Development Districts Design Manual} to make the changes as specified in the agenda abstract <br />-with the addition that the Board consider all of the permitted uses in this district. This would <br />be added as 2-c. <br />Geof Gledhill said that you need to make notice that you may delete uses. It <br />should say, "The following uses may be deleted:" and then the uses would be listed. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; Nay, 1 {Commissioner Gordon -she thinks the secondary development area <br />should be another option} <br />e. Appointments <br />(1) Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (ABC Boardl-Appointment(s) <br />The Board considered appointment(s) to the Alcoholic Beverage Control <br />Board and considered designating a member of the ABC Board as its chair. <br />A motion was made by Chair Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />appoint Melvin Hurston, with the condition that he would resign from one of <br />the other boards on which he currently serves to be in compliance with the <br />County Commissioners' rules on serving on only two boards at once. <br />