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may be opportunities to put support services for other court functions down the road or other <br />County functions. They want to maintain the flexibility for this building during the design <br />process. The Sheriff does want to move all of his facility into the courthouse in the total <br />completed project. The group also talked about a secure single point of entry and agreed on <br />this. The Sheriff will also staff this. <br />The courtrooms will look much different from the current ones and the design will <br />not be like the big rooms there now. They are looking at smaller ones that can be used for <br />meetings, etc. The District Court will need some support space. The Superior Court offices will <br />still be in the old courthouse as well as the District Attorney's office. Regarding public space, <br />there will be additional public space in the design. <br />There were three groups created -Architect Selection Committee, Exterior <br />Design Committee, and Interior Design Committee. All three of these groups have County <br />Commissioner representation. There was a suggestion to have an orientation for the various <br />planning groups in August. <br />She made reference to the projected timeframe. The project is estimated to be <br />completed in December 2006. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the list of citizens that were appointed. <br />Pam Jones said that she could not remember all of the names that were appointed. <br />Pam Jones answered some clarifying questions for the County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would be glad to serve at anytime and he <br />and Commissioner Carey have been involved in this for eight years. <br />Chair Brown suggested that only one County Commissioner be on each <br />committee, and whoever wants to come to a meeting could come. Then after each meeting, <br />there could be a good report about the meeting. <br />Pam Jones said that the interior needs Board of County Commissioner input <br />because a lot of the space will be appropriate for County use. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested having two Commissioners and an alternate on <br />each committee. He is particularly interested in the exterior design, but he will serve on any. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis prefers interior design. <br />Commissioner Cordon's first choice is exterior design and second choice is <br />interior design. <br />Commissioner Carey volunteered for architect selection. <br />Chair Brown volunteered to serve on the interior design. <br />The County Commissioner appointments for the Committees are as follows: <br />Exterior Design -Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Gordan <br />Interior Design -Commissioner Halkiotis and Chair Brown <br />Architect Selection -Commissioner Carey <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br />Jacobs to appoint the County Commissioners as stated above. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Brown said that this is a mandated function by the State - to build court <br />faGllltles. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the staff list all of the State mandated <br />functions for the County. <br />b. Option to Purchase Property for Orange County Schools' Middle School #3 <br />The Board considered approving the amount to be paid for options to purchase <br />parcels of property for the proposed site of the planned third middle school in the Orange <br />