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would feel comfortable with an extension, she would be more inclined to do it. She thinks the <br />Board will extend the contract month to month until December as a practical matter. She would <br />like to hear from the people that did not want to extend it. <br />Chair Brown said that she understands that today they got half of the HSUS <br />report. <br />John Link said that the Board of County Commissioners got the preliminary <br />report on how to improve the infrastructure of the shelter itself to address disease control, etc. <br />There are a number of recommendations to address diseases and the building. He suggests <br />that the Board of County Commissioners extend the contract for six months and then the staff <br />will come back in August with an agreed upon timetable, on the part of APS and County staff, <br />which they would report an haw they are already addressing issues and how they are going to <br />address other issues related to the operation of the shelter. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he appreciates Commissioner Cordon's <br />concern for the Board going in the same direction, but he thinks it is okay to go in different <br />directions. He had a good conversation with Ann Pederson today and regardless of who runs <br />the shelter, someone is going to be unhappy. He does respect the fact that the APS is running <br />the shelter and it will take a long time as to what may happen in the next year. The Board has a <br />big challenge ahead of them and the next shelter needs to be planned. He is very disappointed <br />and he feels responsible that the HSUS discovered that the air-handling units were not working <br />properly. <br />Chair Brown said that what the Board did last time, it was apparent that the APS <br />would have the contract until there is a decision otherwise. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 2 {Commissioner Carey and Commissioner Jacobs); Nays, 3 {Chair Brown, <br />Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Gordon) <br />The vote failed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the APS should proceed and the process should <br />continue until the Board decides otherwise. <br />Commissioner Gordon seconded what Commissioner Jacobs said. <br />a. Justice Facilities Expansion Phase I The Board considered the <br />progress of the Justice Facilities Expansion Project and wants to confirm certain details in <br />preparation of soliciting the Request for Proposals for architectural services; and will consider <br />authorizing the Purchasing Director to solicit a request for proposal for architectural services <br />with the scope of work based an the information provided herein; and consider appointing <br />Commissioners to the various planning groups as cited in the abstract. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that this process <br />started in July 1995. The purpose of this update is to bring the Board up to speed on where <br />they left off last time and also to make a couple of decisions needed to move forward with the <br />architect selection process. She said that when they discussed this in December, <br />Commissioner Halkiotis and Commissioner Jacobs were going to meet with the judicial officials <br />and decide things like what was going to be in the building, the status of the Sheriff's <br />Department, and the size of the addition. <br />Regarding the size of the addition, when the programs first came forward, there <br />were four phases proposed of 24,000 square feet each for the justice facilities. It was decided <br />not to put this much development downtown and it was changed to three phases of 27,000 <br />square feet each. The County Commissioners have looked at the traffic around the courthouse <br />and decided that the traffic is not supportable with a bigger courthouse and they have decided <br />not to build a parking deck, but only build the building to the extent that they can do surface <br />parking. This means that they will be limited to phase I until something changes with the <br />roadway traffic. The building size on the proposal will say 24,000-27,000 square feet. <br />The second issue is the potential reuse of the Sheriffs Department. There is na <br />recommendation from the judicial officials. Since the development is going to be limited, there <br />