Agenda - 04-17-2012-13 (2)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-17-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-17-2012-13 (2)
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Last modified
6/23/2015 11:15:29 AM
Creation date
4/13/2012 4:36:20 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
Information Item 2
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Minutes 04-17-2012
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DRAFT 9 <br /> With any change the equation will be different for each homeowner. Each property owner's <br /> situation and associated costs will differ, most likely resulting in higher taxes and lower <br /> insurance rates with an overall savings for most. There will be unintended consequences for <br /> some home owners in the area. <br /> There are a few additional homes in the Zapata Road area that may possibly fall just outside the <br /> six-mile insurance restriction as well. Chief Mike Tapp will follow up using GIS tracking to <br /> confirm. <br /> An agreement between Eno Fire Department and Caldwell Fire Department is being proposed <br /> that will resolve homeowners' insurance issues in the Eno and Caldwell districts. <br /> Chief Mike Tapp, President of the Orange County Chiefs Association spoke of the goals and <br /> objectives of the Chiefs Association as presented to the BOCC. This Strategic Plan for the <br /> Provision of Emergency Services was created with the help of the UNC School of Government <br /> over a four month time span. <br /> Chief Montes de Oca presented a follow-up report regarding channel needs for existing VIPER <br /> towers and potential sites for additional towers. Mike Hodgson, Manager of the VIPER system <br /> for NCSHP reported that the channel upgrades as requested generally fall in line with his <br /> concurrence. Chief Montes de Oca suggested that the group could ask more detailed <br /> information regarding VIPER tower locations, coverage maps and channel upgrades of Mr. <br /> Hodgson when he attends the meeting April 10th. Anyone having questions for Mr. Hodgson <br /> should e-mail them ahead of time to Chief Montes de Oca in preparation for this meeting. <br /> Sheriff Pendergrass raised questions regarding the rights to add attachments to the VIPER <br /> tower on Eno Mountain. He cautioned the group that once any tower is purchased and built <br /> for the VIPER system it becomes the property of the State of North Carolina and we will have no <br /> say as to what is added to it. The Sheriff's Department has not experienced dead areas when <br /> using their radios outside of buildings. Most problems come with penetration of certain <br /> buildings. <br /> Chief Mauzy asked about coverage maps for proposed tower sites. Chief Montes de Oca stated <br /> that NCSHP is looking at current tower locations and will include coverage maps of proposed <br /> sites and may have the information available to the group within 3 weeks. <br /> Chief Blue and Mike Reitz spoke of the new dense-structure ordinance in Chapel Hill (excluding <br /> UNC Hospitals)that would require the builder of new structures to install amplifiers to allow for <br /> better radio reception. Chief Dan Jones spoke of the downside of the system as it must be set <br /> very carefully in a certain way that will not disrupt the entire VIPER system. <br />
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