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buildings energy efficient and look at solar enhancements to buildings. This might affect <br />some of the prioritization for different buildings. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like for staff to came back with creative <br />approaches to the Sportsplex instead of shelling out $400,000 a year. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked how many PC's Orange County owns. Todd Jones said <br />about 650 and Elaine Holmes said that there are about 700 employees. <br />Todd Jones said that same of these PC's are publicly available for public use -libraries, <br />etc. Commissioner Halkiotis said that when they phased in PC's, there was a very <br />conservative approach. He asked what happened and if things were going to be <br />replaced constantly. <br />Rod Visser said that the Information Technology plan is broken up into seven or eight <br />basic categories and mast of the funding goes to desktops, printers, laptops, etc. The IT <br />Committee recommended athree-year replacement cycle and they got caught upon <br />doing the replacements . A couple of years ago, the IT Committee recommended afour- <br />year replacement cycle. They are still on a four-year replacement cycle, but there are <br />other things in this line item including Legacy system replacement, improving the <br />website. etc. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that the tax bills add something that the convenience <br />of e-government has a price tag and taxes may increase because of IT items. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Sportsplex and said that she supports <br />what Commissioner Jacobs said about this. She said that the County's $4 million <br />obligation is finished by 2004-2005. However, the line item in the budget far the <br />Sportsplex shows a total of $7.3 million. She would be interested in coming back in the <br />fall to discuss this. She would like have a budget that does not Shaw this item <br />indefinitely into the future. She does not want it to appear that the County is willing to <br />spend $400,000 per year on the Sportsplex with no time limit. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked haw much federal funding Orange County gets for libraries <br />Ken Chavious said that they get some small grants. Commissioner Jacobs asked for an <br />update in the fall on this. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the first two columns of the pink sheet related to proposed capital projects - <br />Continuation Project/No Additional Funds Proposed for FY 2003-04 and Funds Needed <br />Prior to September 30, 2003. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Orange County Schools <br />Donna Dean made reference to the grid for the OCS in the pink handout, identified as <br />continuation projects with no additional funding attached. The OCS would like to get <br />started on the Technology Application, and funds far this would be needed before <br />September 30, 2003. <br />