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his intent was. John Link said that he meant that if there were a need in the future, the Health <br />Director might be able to take over the shelter. He said that he expects the Board may want to <br />consider any number of changes in the operation of the shelter. He recommends waiting on the <br />full report from HSUS. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he does not recall any issue with such controversy <br />as this APS issue. He suggested several years ago to look at alternatives of providing <br />appropriate shelter for animals. He does not plan to support this contract extension. He said <br />that a contingency plan needs to be set up for whatever the Board decides to do, and six <br />months is not much time. He thinks we should plan on building a new facility because in 2006 <br />the County has to be out of the old facility. He is concerned about the tight timeline. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he found a contract from September 1999 and it is <br />significantly different than this contract. He asked Rosie Summers about this. Rosie Summers <br />said that this is simply an extension and all provisions are still in effect from 1999. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if it was possible to do a three or four month contract <br />extension and have staff come up with alternative ways of doing this during the summer break. <br />Commissioner Carey said that all of the County Commissioners have concerns about <br />the welfare of animals. He thought the HSUS was being commissioned to study to get a more <br />independent perspective about the future of the shelter. This includes who should be operating <br />it. He thinks that the Board should wait until they get the report from HSUS before they develop <br />alternative plans. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Board could ask staff to begin working on <br />identifying likely sites and the HSUS could give recommendations on the type of structure first. <br />He thinks that six months is a reasonable time to extend the contract and to make a decision by <br />the last meeting in December and ask staff to make a timeline for this process. <br />Chair Brown said that she is hearing from the Board that it would like to have the <br />Manager be prepared as soon as the HSUS report is received, that it wants to be able to make <br />a move very quickly. <br />Chair Brown said that there needs to be a public meeting in September far <br />comments on the HSUS report. She is very concerned about the continuation of this contract. <br />She thought it would be month-by-month. She thinks that we need to respond quickly to come <br />up with other ways of management of the shelter. She agreed with Commissioner Halkiotis and <br />said that she would vote against this. Regarding the site selection, there were two sites brought <br />forward. One is on Eubanks Road and Chapel Hill said that there is space near their Public <br />Works (new} department. She expects that HSUS will came back with a state of the art design <br />far the animal shelter. Virginia has an excellent shelter, and she suggested taking a trip to see <br />this animal shelter. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that there cannot be symbolic votes and the Board <br />has to came up with something that will work for everybody. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />extend the current contract with the Animal Protection Society (APS) for operating the Orange <br />County Animal Shelter, with the funding amount subject to approval of the FY 2003-2004 <br />budget, and to authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 2 (Commissioner Carey and Commissioner Jacobs); Nays, 3 (Chair Margaret <br />Brown, Commissioner Gordon ,Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />John Link asked the Board about the expectation for operating the animal shelter. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs <br />to move the extension of the contract until September 30t" (3 months) with amonth-to-month <br />extension after that until December 31St <br />