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i , . G.;` --~-~'"~ <br />I 452 <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item VI - Cantinued considera~ion of ~ <br />a new County Personnel Policy. <br />Upon motion of Co~nissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved that the Board adopt the County Personnel <br />Policy as written, effec~ive July 1, 1976, since it was going to be <br />a policy instead of an OrdinanCe. . <br />~~Chairman Garrett stated that she did not mind the wor~,po~li_c~_as <br />long as it is going to be inforced as strongly and as strict yl as`~3'f <br />it were an Ordi.nance. "2 think if we are doing spmething that is <br />going to be a and nobody is going to pay attention to, then <br />we are our time." ~ <br />Commissioner Walker replied, "it will be enforced as long as this <br />Bpard sees that it is enforced." <br />Com¢nissioner Whitted questioned one item that had to do with this - <br />year's budget and he inquired if appropriations had been made concerning <br />the longevity pay. The Finance Officer replied thdt this had been in- <br />cluded in the proposed budget. ~ <br />Discussion ensued concerning longevity pay. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated that he had questions on Page 38 of <br />the Ordinance. Page 38, S2ction 7, subsection (b). Chairman Garrett <br />read subsection (b) and inquired of Cammissioner Pinney, "Your concern ~ <br />iS?" <br />He replied that there were some whit~ people that would fall in ~ <br />this category. "There are people who can not read and things like <br />this and would fall into a category that would come in this section." <br />Cha~.rman Gaxrett stated that she agxeed with Commissioner Pinney <br />and that the Ordinance attempted to address a universal problem. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />It was agreed by aonsensus of the Soard that the Ordinance shouJ.d -- <br />contain the wording as follows: "2n keeping with both of these require- <br />ments, the Covnty will make every effort to hire minority group appli- <br />cants and individuals with special handicaps who may not be fully <br />qualified for a particular job, provided that the deficiencies are such <br />that they can be eliminated through orientation and on the job training." <br />Chairman Garrett called attention te the zequirement that a <br />Grievance Board should be appointed. <br />Chairman Garrett called fpr a vote on the motion of Commissioner <br />~ Walker. All members of the Board voted aye and the motion was passed. <br />(For copy of the Count,y Personnel Policy see Minute Docket Book Nine, <br />Page 485 ) . . - <br />Commissioner Whitted moved that the meeting time be extended in <br />order to Complete the Agenda. • <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he must leave and he was excused. <br />; <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item V22: Repoxts from the County <br />Attorney; <br />l. Release of Insolvents PeXSOnal Property Taxes levied before <br />1965. ~ _ <br />Mrs. GArrett recognized A. B. Coleman, Jr., County Attorney, and <br />he advised the Board that they must first make the decision that the <br />personal property taxes for the period from 1929 were uncollectable. <br />He stated that he saw them as a liability to the County as the Tax <br />Supervisor must continue to carry these accounts on his tax books. <br />The statistic reveal for this period of time the uncollectable tax <br />amounts to $1,118,000. He stated that this amounted to $2,500 per <br />year over a 47 year period and the problem involved is one of locating <br />the delinquent tax payers. <br />7'he Finance Officer stated that even if the Board released the <br />taxes, it would not prohibit the collection of the taxes, if the citizens <br />voluntarily came forth to pax their accounts. <br />