Minutes - 20030616
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030616
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alone this year. If we are going to be going through so much effort with the Humane <br />Society, it would be a logical time to contemplate whether or not to pursue the wildlife <br />center and group all of the animal welfare activities under one umbrella. He supports <br />giving them half of what they requested to help them get started. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would like an update, because the last time there <br />was a public discussion on this, the Board was told that the APS was going to do <br />something. He said that he is proud of the County and what it has done to regulate and <br />protect exotic animals and citizens. He said that doing something for the wildlife center <br />would be appropriate. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Dr. Schopler called him and he invited Dr. Schopler to <br />come to the meeting on Thursday to answer questions of the Board. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he places value in the advice of the Human Services <br />Advisory Committee. He said that he cares a lot about the animals, but he cares mare <br />for human life than animal life. There are a lot of needs (human) over the wildlife center <br />and if they want half this year then they will be back next year and fallowing years for <br />continuation funds. He cannot do this in good conscience. But if there is a discussion <br />about the wildlife center, it should be in the context of the recommendations of HSUS. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that Commissioner Carey has made a lot of good points and <br />the Manager did not recommend funding on this. It is tough to start a new project, <br />especially in a tight financial year. She agreed with Commissioner Carey. <br />Chair Brown supports giving money to the wildlife center as set aside money in a fund <br />that would be looked at after the HSUS report. She does not like the Human Services <br />Advisory Committee looking at this because it is outside of their purview. She thinks we <br />should tie it in with a public health issue and children's public health education. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he thinks wildlife rehabilitation is a cost of growth in the <br />County because we are destroying habitat. He thinks that part of his responsibility is to <br />address the harm caused by the development. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis wants the Manager to come back with a proposal to tie in the <br />public health issue and education. <br />Jahn Link verified that he would include this in the mark-up items as a reserve until <br />information comes back from the HSUS. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she wants to see the final list of what other people are <br />putting in besides the County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he had asked about the Duke Community Hospice and <br />whether Duke owned it and why we are funding a Duke enterprise. John Link said that <br />he does not have an answer at this time. <br />Gwen Harvey said that there is a change in the name to Triangle Community Hospice, <br />but it was still owned by Duke. Commissioner Jacobs said that if it is just a Duke profit- <br />making center, then the County does not need to participate. <br />Jahn Link said that it is based on it being a continuation item and it is located in Orange <br />County. Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to see this money go to <br />someplace that really needs it. For example, someone came to a public hearing and <br />requested funding for an organization that provides transportation to mentally <br />handicapped people that cannot drive to get to their jobs. Chair Brown thinks this might <br />
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