Minutes - 20030616
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030616
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Lystra properties. These sites might be acquired without need to pursue condemnation, <br />a last-resort course for acquiring land that is apt to be more expensive. <br />4} Construct a high school on land the county acquired for park and school <br />purposes near the corner of Eubanks Road and Old Highway 86. Infrastructure <br />costs to the district initially related to erecting the high school will be reduced over time <br />as other schools and a park share the property. <br />5) Accept the $27.8 million without condition, and fit construction to that <br />amount in whatever way best suits CHCCS. <br />The commissioners also encourage a school design that makes smarter use of <br />land and public transportation, agoal inadequately met to date. Ta spur that process, <br />and in recognition of the tightness of the financial constraints listed above, the <br />commissioners would approve spending an additional $2.2 million in capital funds, <br />bringing total school casts to $30,000,000, in order to promote creative thinking and a <br />sounder example for young people of reduced parking, land disturbance, and other <br />deleterious aspects of current plans. <br />The time is overdue to promote asmart-growth school model. If this is <br />accomplished to our satisfaction, we will approve $2.2 million in additional debt on the <br />part of the school system to devote to this project. <br />June 2003 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the idea is that this is in the form of a motion <br />Commissioner Halkiotis seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if there were County Commissioners that would acceptor <br />support the school board proposal, which is a $33.9 million high school with stadium <br />suggestions. She supports this model since with interest rates being so low it is a <br />favorable time to build and it is possible that the 700-student capacity could be reached <br />fairly soon. She said that the land is $1 million over and the site is about $2.6 million <br />aver the standards. She said that the school board is not proposing that the construction <br />of the school building be over the standards, but they are asking for more money to <br />purchase and develop the site. She said that the proposal of the staff {$27.8 million) is <br />under the maximum far the high school standards, which is $29.9 million. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he has been clear to all that he could support the school <br />system's proposal but he has always had concerns with the costs and the need to use <br />the condemnation process. He said that he would not withhold support because of the <br />land acquisition. He did not feel that the issue of borrowing $6 million was a problem <br />either. He said that the most important thing is to make a decision so the school board <br />can move forward with the building of the school. He supports the school being built but <br />he has concerns about the total cost. He said that he would support the motion so the <br />school district can move forward with building this high school. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that Commissioner Jacobs makes same interesting points. <br />He made reference to the point that since 1988, there has been a capital investment of <br />over a quarter of a billion dollars for schools. He said that when it comes to taking care <br />of the school systems, no one has any basis to say that the County does not care. He <br />thinks the needs of the County are going to continue to grow. He said that if you tell the <br />
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