Minutes - 20030612
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030612
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Commissioner Carey agreed with Commissioner Jacobs and said that the school board <br />needs to be involved in these discussions. This needs to be resolved before any more <br />money is allocated. <br />Chair Brown asked about the Town of Carrboro. Commissioner Jacobs said that the <br />Mayor of Carrboro would be glad to meet with a group to discuss this. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the Chapel Hill Library. The department requested <br />and the Manager recommends the same amount, but the board came to the public <br />hearing and asked for an increase. She asked for explanation of this. John Link said <br />that contributions to other governing bodies is something he would like to speak on. He <br />said that historically cities in North Carolina began library services before counties did <br />and established a level of service according the expectations of the citizens. Typically, <br />counties may contribute to the municipal libraries, but generally the municipalities do not <br />ask for the County Commissioners to be involved in making decisions as to the level of <br />service. He is willing to provide additional funding to the Chapel Hill Library. He said <br />that they are planning to expand the library significantly by using bond money. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like an explanation of why the person who <br />put in the request for the Chapel Hill Library did not ask for mare money but the Library <br />Board did. <br />Community and the Environment: <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about assistance with setting up a TDR program. Craig <br />Benedict said that the unified development ordinance would be the next step in the <br />comprehensive plan. The unified development ordinance could include, as an offshoot, <br />a section for TDR. <br />Education: <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that we should have responded to the superintendent <br />dumping in the County Commissioners' laps that we better act quickly because <br />otherwise we will hold up the third CHCCS high school. <br />Chair Brawn made reference to a document regarding how we plan schools together <br />and it was amazing that none of what the document referred to was ever done for this <br />third high school. <br />Chair Brawn said that her understanding is that the CHCCS board does not consider this <br />document something that they want to work with anymore and that they did not want to <br />collaborate. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that her perception is that they were participating and they <br />did what they thought the Board of County Commissioners wanted them to do. January <br />30th is when she got involved and she does not perceive that they said they would not <br />participate in the document. She also did not perceive them as being uncooperative and <br />they were forthcoming in sending her materials, starting January 30. <br />Chair Margaret Brown said that she read reports from the past and questioned whether <br />Commissioner Gordon had received the appropriate materials and was involved in the <br />process. <br />
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