Minutes - 20030612
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030612
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8/14/2008 4:07:03 PM
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Agenda - 06-12-2003-
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Commissioner Jacobs asked about the $428,818 for the APS and why it was for one <br />year and not a period of time because of the possibility of reorganization or transfer. <br />The report in September from APS mayor may not indicate a different structure. John <br />Link said that they are recommending that the Board extend the present contract for six <br />months since it will be almost three months before the report is received, but the money <br />is still needed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this reads that there is a year long commitment. The <br />wording should probably be changed. <br />Skills Development Center: <br />Chair Brawn asked what constituted the cost increase. Social Services Director Nancy <br />Coston said that the Horizon program lost its funding and this helped pay for the cost. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the partial roof repair. Public Works Director Wilbert <br />McAdoo said that they repaired the roof previously and had not gotten to it before in the <br />budget. <br />Cooperative Extension: <br />Chair Brown asked about the $40,000 increase and if this was just salaries and Donna <br />Dean said yes. <br />Chair Brown made reference to page 5-55 and asked about the number of youth <br />enrolled in 4-H activities and how they come up with that number. She said that it <br />seems to be a specific number. John Link said that they would respond at a later time. <br />There was no one representing Cooperative Extension. <br />Housing and Community Development: <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he had a hard time finding the Affordable Housing Trust <br />Fund appearing in the back. He asked that this be located in a better place. He also <br />asked if this was indicated that the $118,600 for urgent home repairs is coming out of <br />the affordable housing fund. Donna Dean said that she would need clarification from <br />Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like a short history on the affordable housing fund and how <br />it is spent. <br />Human Relations: <br />Chair Brawn asked what constituted the big jump here. Donna Dean said that this is <br />County costs and there is a decrease in the revenues. <br />Chair Brown asked about the travel expenditure. Human Rights and Relations Director <br />Annette Moore said that HUD gives them $25,000 for travel because they are required to <br />do some things for HUD. <br />Cultural and Recreation: <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Carrboro Library and said that he thinks <br />that the situation at McDougle is a mess because of the non-partner like approach of <br />some people to collaboration. He said that before we invest in a cybrary or anything <br />additional at McDougle Library, there should be some kind of meeting with Carrboro <br />elected officials, Friends of the Carrboro Library, representatives from the schools, the <br />County library, and the County Commissioners. He thinks we should hold the money <br />until a decision is made about the library and if it will remain at McDougle. He asked to <br />flag this. <br />
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