Minutes - 11-19-2007 Late
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 11-19-2007 Late
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Maureen Berner said that this is the background document. The other report was more <br />of a thorough report. The 5choal of Government was asked to assess this and they were not in <br />a position to verify all of the information, sa they reviewed the original RFP and what Sage <br />provided and the gaps. This overview was not providing any new information, but just <br />organizing the gaps. This might help determine how to mane forward and what is still needed. <br />She recommended revisiting the decision about long-term planning with fire and EMS and what <br />information would be helpful to make this decision. <br />Chris Sherman from the School of Government made reference to pages 1 and 2 under <br />recommendations as to what is covered in the report. There were five items on page 2 that <br />were not addressed at all. <br />Laura Blackmon said that when she came to Orange County, The Sage Group was <br />working on this report, but there was frustration on the length of time it was taking to complete, <br />etc. The County felt that there were many gaps in the report in comparison with the information <br />requested in the RFP. The Board needs to know the legal guidelines in order to plan <br />strategically and produce an effective plan. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that her questions would refer to the data that is not <br />included. There has not been an analysis of the data, but she asked where the data was. She <br />said that before any recommendations ordiscussion about haw to move forward, there is critical <br />data that is not in the report that is needed. <br />Maureen Berner said that one of the questions about moving forward might be clarifying <br />what data would be needed to formulate the ultimate recommendations. She said that it would <br />be important to see what exactly the Board wants to know. <br />Chair Carey asked some clarifying questions that were answered by the School of <br />Government representatives. <br />Laura Blackmon said that, in looking at the original RFP, the County wanted too much <br />information and it would be easier to break this down into the information needed to address the <br />immediate needs. The Fire Chief's Council has expressed interest in identifying issues. <br />Chair Carey said that perhaps this is the next step, getting recommendations from the <br />Council. <br />Chris Sherman said that the report does not have effectiveness and appropriateness of <br />services provided but at the School of Government, they da have staff that can assist with <br />baseline statistics. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked where South Orange fire district was in the report. Laura <br />Blackmon said that South Orange is covered by the Town of Carrboro and it is not a <br />department. Fire Marshall Mike Tapp said that this is an area outside of the Town of Carrboro <br />that Carrboro covers. It is not a department, but it is funded through the County residents who <br />live there. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that every time something is listed that is not one of <br />the Orange County departments, then the North Chatham service area in Orange County <br />should also be listed so that it is not forgotten. Also, whatever is done for South Orange and <br />Carrboro should be done for the North Chatham service area. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that there is a lot of misinformation and gaps, and she does <br />not know how much credence should be given to the Sage Report. <br />Mike Tapp said that the Fire Chief's Council agreed that the Sage Report did not tell <br />them anything that they did not already know, and they were disappointed that there were na <br />long-term recommendations ar feedback. The Sage Report does not give much to work with. <br />Gwen Harvey said that everyone needs to be on the same foot and establishing the <br />same baseline. <br />Chair Carey said that it sounds as if there is not sufficient information to mane this <br />toward the long-range planning far fire and rescue services. They need to ask the Chief's <br />
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