Orange County NC Website
District and Division Report Summaries <br />In the remainder of this report, each division and department from The Sage Group report has a <br />summary, issues not addressed (but were included in the original RFP and scope of service <br />agreement), and list of the county's original needs. It should be noted that the information and <br />recommenda.tions from this point forward aze from The Sage Group. <br />Caldwell <br />s~~ <br />The department can supply adequate water (4,000 gallons) to a structure fire for a rural <br />department; neighboring districts provide mutual aid during crisis. The district has no pressure <br />hydrants for water supply, but 14 are planned. EMS coverage is insufficient given bad <br />positioning and unfamiliazity with the northern areas. There is no fire training facility in the <br />north. SAGE recommends Eno reconsiders its plan to locate Station #2 near Caldwell, as the <br />location will be far from Eno's demand and Caldwell will not aid the Eno station financially. <br />The sta.tion is a steel azch clad building with public meeting rooms, offices and space for future <br />dorm rooms providing a long service life. State highways 157 and 57 go through the district and <br />may provide accidents with hazardous materials. Agriculture nature of community lends to <br />structure fires. <br />Volunteers aze adequate to meet demand. The deparhnent has high membership and community <br />support, with 27 adult firefighters and two junior fight fighters. Nearly all members aze first <br />responder and one third are EMT certified. <br />800MHz radios are being purchased at a' cost of $93,000 from a 163,000 surplus; an additional <br />need for upgrading the brush truck still exists. <br />Issues Not Addressed: <br />l. Population <br />2. Value of structure (market or accounting value) <br />3. Age and of vehicles and equipment - except that bush truck must be replaced <br />4. Population centers and projected growth areas <br />5. Any changes in the facility configuration <br />6. Recommend a strategy for addressing longer-term demands within the County <br />7. Countywide public education programs on public safety and being self sufficient in disasters. <br />8. Identify the population in the unincorpora.ted azeas of Orange County served <br />9. Opporlunities to improve efFiciency, reduce cost, or improve the overall service <br />10. Provide an estimated cost (operating and capital) of recommended solutions or alternative <br />solutions proposed - except for the cost of radios <br />List of Ori~inal Needs <br />a. Effectiveness, appropriateness, demand, and response capability: The department can supply <br />adequate water (4,000 gallons) to a structure fire for a rural department. <br />r 3 <br />