Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Cheryl Mitchell <br />112 Eugene St. <br />02/O1/02 <br />928-9912 <br />10 Install a five piece accessory kit to include a paper holder, two towel bazs, soap <br />dish and tumbler holder. <br />11. Prepaze all surfaces for paint. Paint the walls, ceiling, doors an~i trim with <br />semigloss latex paint. Paint to cover completely. <br />Left/Front Bedroom: <br />1. Remove the existing door unit. Install a prehung door unit and lockset. <br />2. Install two coats of satin gloss polyurethane on the paneling. Pr~:pare all other <br />surfaces for paint. Paint the ceiling with ceiling wlute latex pa,in.t and the trim and <br />doors with semigloss latex paint. Paint to cover completely. <br />3. Insta.ll carpet and pad. Carpet to cost not less than $14/yd. <br />LeftlMiddle Bedroom: <br />L Remove the wall and ceiling coverings. <br />2. Install lx4 furring strips on the block walls 16 inches O.C. Caiilk all searns. <br />Insta113/a inch styrofoam insulation between the furring strips c~n the exterior wall. <br />Caulk a11 seazns. <br />3. Install %2 inch sheetrock on the wa11s and ceiling. Tape and fini sh the sheetrock <br />smooth. <br />4. Install matching baseboard and window trim. <br />5. Paint the walls with flat latex paint, the ceiling with ceiling white latex paint and <br />the trim and doors with semigloss latex paint. Paint to cover campletely. <br />6. ~ Install carpet and pad. Carpet to cost not less than $14/yd. <br />