Orange County NC Website
LGC-205 (Rev. 2011) CONTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOiTNTS <br />of _ . Oranae Countv, NC <br />Governmental Unit <br />On this 12th day of January 2012 Martin Starnes & Associates, CPAs, P.A. <br />Auditor <br />73013th Avenue Drive SE, Hickory, NC 28602 <br />Mailing Address <br />the Auditor, and Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County, NC <br />hereinafter referred to as <br />Governing Board Governmental Unit <br />to as the Governmental Unit, agree as follows: <br />hereinafter refened <br />l. The Auditor sha11 audit all statements and disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles and additional required <br />legal statements and disclosures of all funds and/or divisions of the Governmental Unit for the period beginning <br />July 1, 2011 , and ending June 30 2012 . The non-major combining, and individual fund <br />statements and schedules shall be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial state~nents and an <br />opinion will be rendered in relation to (as applicable) the governmental activities, the business-type activities, the aggregate <br />discretely presented component units, each major governmental and enterprise fund, and the aggregate remaining fund infonnation <br />(non-major government and enterprise funds, the internal service fund type, and the fiduciary fund types). <br />2. At a minimum, the Auditor shall conduct his/her aud~t and render his/her report in accordance with generally accepted auditing <br />standards. The Auditor shall perform the audit in accordance with Government Auditing Standards if required by the State Single <br />Audit Implementation Act, as codified in G.S. 159-34. If required by OMB Circular A-133 a~d the State Single Audit <br />Implementation Act, the auditor shall perform a Single Audit. This audit and all associated workpapers may Ue subject to review by <br />Federal and State agencies in accordance with Federal a~id State laws, including the staffs of the Office of State Auditor (OSA) and <br />the LGC. If the audit and/or workpapers are found in this review to be substandard, the results of the review may be forwarded to <br />the North Carolina State Board of CPA Examiners. <br />3. This contract contemplates an unqualified opinion being rendered. If financial statements are not prepared in accordance with <br />generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), or the statements faii to include all disclosures required by GAAP, please provide <br />an explanation for that departure from GAAP in an attaclunent. <br />4. This contract contemplates an unqualified opinion being rendered. The audit shall include such tests of the accounting records and <br />such other auditing procedures as are considered by the Auditor to be necessary in the circumstances. Anv limitations or restrictions <br />in scooe which would lead to a qualification should be fullv ex~lained in an attachment to this contract <br />5. If this audit engagement is subject to the standards for audit as defined in Government Auditing Standards, July 2007 revisions, <br />issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, then by accepting this engagement, the Auditor warrants that he has met the <br />requirements for a peer review and continuing education as specified in Government Auditing Standards. The Auditor agrees to <br />provide a conv of their most recent neer review report regardless of the date of the orior veer review report to the Governmental Unit <br />and the Secretary of the Local Government Commission prior to the execution of the audit contract. (See Item 21) If the audit firm <br />received a peer review rating other than pass, the auditor shall not contract with any Local Government Units without first contacting <br />the Secretary of the Local Government Commission for a peer review analysis that may result in additional contractual requirements. <br />If the audit engagement is not subject to GovernmentAccounting Standards, the Auditor shall provide an explanation as to why in <br />an attachment. <br />6. It is agreed that time is of the essence in this contract. All audits are to be performed and the report of audit submitted to the SLGFD <br />within four months of fiscal year end: OCtober 31. 2012 . If it becomes necessary to amend this due date or <br />the audit fee, an amended contract along with a written explanation of the delay must be submitted to the Secretary of the Local <br />Government Commission for approval. <br />It is agreed that generally accepted auditing standards include a review of the Governmental Unit's systems of internal control and <br />accounting as the systems relate to accountability of funds, adherence to budget requirements, and adherence to 1aw requirements. <br />In addition, the Auditor will make a written report, which may or may not be a part of the written report of audit, to the Governing <br />Board setting forth his findings, together with his recommendations for improvement. That written report must include all matters <br />defined as "significant deficiencies and material weaknesses" in AU 325 of the AICPA Professional Standards. The Auditor shall <br />file a copv of that report with the Secretarv of the Local Government Commission. <br />8. All local government and public authority contracts for audit or audit-related work require the approval of the Secretary of the Local <br />Government Commission. This includes annual or special audits, agreed upon procedures related to Internal Control, bookkeeping <br />or other assistance necessary to prepare the Unit's records for audit, financial statement preparation, any finance-related <br />investigations, or any other audit-related work in the State of North Carolina. Invoices for services rendered under these contracts <br />