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are going to get and the longer we wring our hands over facilities, the less likely we are to <br />get a good location. He thinks that there is same urgency to address the proposal. He is a <br />parent of three children in the CHCCS. He has no objections to shifting the bond money. <br />He thinks that the school should be funded at the level requested. He said that he is <br />disappointed that the Rock Haven site does not have the land capacity for the facilities that <br />should be attached to a high school, but he thinks we should move forward in a cooperative <br />manner. He said that he is concerned as this goes forward that the Board of County <br />Commissioners and the school board work in a partnership. He hopes that this does not <br />become a merger issue. He thinks the issue at hand is the immediate need to plan for <br />short-term spaces and high school spaces for the CHCCS. <br />Cynthia Wheaton lives in southern Orange County and has two children in the fourth and <br />sixth grade. She has been following this issue for about a year and a half. She fully <br />supports the school board's recommendation fora 1,000-student capacity high school on <br />Rock Haven Road. She made reference to the budget comparisons that the staff showed <br />earlier. She made reference to the "total estimated cast" and she is concerned that an the <br />"land" line on the Eubanks Road site there is a zero. She understands that this land has <br />been purchased, but she thinks that to put a zero there causes confusion in comparing the <br />overall cost. She said that this is a personal issue far her because of the extra mileage if <br />her children went to Chapel Hill High Schaal. She said that she also represents people that <br />could not be at the meeting tonight. She said that these families are going to benefit from a <br />site on Rock Haven Road because their children will get to spend mare time at home. She <br />supports moving the money from Elementary School #10 to High School #3. <br />Terence Lang spoke in support of locating the third high school in the southern part of the <br />district. He concentrated on the issue of safety and teenage driving. He quoted the statistic <br />that every year there are approximately two million driving accidents involving teenagers <br />resulting in 6,000 deaths. Drivers between the ages of 16-19 years old have the highest <br />crash rate relative to all other age groups, including the elderly. He quoted several other <br />statistics about teenage driving. He said that placing a high school away from where the <br />students are located would add to the number of miles that inexperienced drivers would <br />drive. <br />Jim Ross made reference to the zero line item for the acquisition costs for the Eubanks <br />Road site. He said that if the high school is built on Rock Haven then the County could sell <br />the Eubanks Road site or use it for same other purpose. He asked that this be accounted <br />for in the cost structure as a real cost for the Eubanks Road site. He said that there are <br />amortization costs -bus casts, insurance, gas, and asked if this has been figured into the <br />bar graph. He said that the existing contract has been dropped on Rock Haven Road, but it <br />was going to be a 264 multi-family unit building with 850 parking spaces and 500,000 <br />square feet of impervious surface. He said that he would never pick the Eubanks Road site <br />for a high school because it is in the wrong place. He said that the County only wants to use <br />it because it owns the land. <br />Karen Kingsholver asked if the elected officials were aware how many of the citizens in the <br />south end of town feel strongly about having a high school located in this area. They know <br />that the Rock Haven Road site is their last resort. She urged the County Commissioners to <br />consider this site. <br />Deborah Love said that she supports the Rock Haven Road site. She said that her child <br />would be out of school by the time this will be built. She has to drive 45 minutes round trip <br />