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the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be final,and judgment may be 12.3 Costs caused by delays, improperly timed activities or <br /> entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court defective construction shall be borne by the party responsible <br /> having jurisdiction thereof. Except by written consent of the therefor. <br /> person or entity sought to be joined,no arbitration arising out ARTICLE 13 <br /> of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include,by con- <br /> solidation,joinder or in any other manner,any person or entity CHANGES IN THE WORK <br /> not a party to the Agreement under which such arbitration <br /> arises,unless it is shown at the time the demand for arbitration 13.1 The Owner,without invalidating the Contract,may order <br /> is filed that(1)such person or entity is substantially involved in changes in the Work consisting of additions,deletions or modi- <br /> a common question of fact or law,(2)the presence of such per- fications, the Contract Sum and Contract Time being adjusted <br /> son or entity is required if complete relief is to be accorded in accordingly. Such changes in the Work shall be authorized by <br /> the arbitration,(3)the interest or responsibility of such person written Change Order signed by the Owner, Contractor and <br /> or entity in the matter is not insubstantial,and(4)such person Architect, or by written Construction Change Directive signed <br /> or entity is not the Architect or any of the Architect's by the Owner and Architect. <br /> employees or consultants. The agreement herein among the <br /> parties to the Agreement and any other written agreement to 13.2 The Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be changed <br /> arbitrate referred to herein shall be specifically enforceable only by Change Order. <br /> under applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 13.3 The cost or credit to the Owner from a change in the <br /> ARTICLE 11 Work shall be determined by mutual agreement. <br /> SUBCONTRACTS ARTICLE 14 <br /> 11.1 A Subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct TIME <br /> contract with the Contractor to perform a portion of the Work 14.1 Time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the <br /> at the site. essence of the Contract.By executing the Agreement the Con- <br /> 11.2 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents or the tractor confirms that the Contract Time is a reasonable period <br /> bidding requirements, the Contractor, as soon as practicable for performing the Work. <br /> after award of the Contract, shall famish in writing to the 14.2 The date of Substantial Completion is the date certified <br /> Owner through the Architect the names of the Subcontractors by the Architect in accordance with Paragraph 15.3. <br /> for each of the principal portions of the Work.The Contractor <br /> shall not contract with any Subcontractor to whom the Owner 14.3 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in progress of the <br /> or Architect has made reasonable and timely objection. The Work by changes ordered in the Work,by labor disputes,fire, <br /> Contractor shall not be required to contract with anyone to unusual delay in deliveries, abnormal adverse weather condi- <br /> whom the Contractor has made reasonable objection. Con- tions not reasonably anticipatable, unavoidable casualties or <br /> tracts between the Contractor and Subcontractors shall (1) any causes beyond the Contractor's control,or by other causes <br /> require each Subcontractor, to the extent of the Work to be which the Architect determines may justify delay, then the <br /> performed by the Subcontractor, to be bound to the Contrac- Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such rea- <br /> tor by the terms of the Contract Documents, and to assume sonable time as the Architect may determine. <br /> toward the Contractor all the obligations and responsibilities <br /> which the Contractor, by the Contract Documents, assumes ARTICLE 15 <br /> toward the Owner and Architect,and(2)allow to the Subcon- <br /> tractor the benefit of all rights,remedies and redress afforded to PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION <br /> the Contractor by these Contract Documents. <br /> 15.1 Payments shall be made as provided in Articles 4 and 5 of <br /> ARTICLE 12 this Agreement. <br /> CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR 15.2 Payments may be withheld on account of(1) defective <br /> BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS Work not remedied,(2)claims filed by third parties,(3)failure <br /> of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontrac- <br /> 12.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform construction or tors or for labor, materials or equipment, (4) reasonable evi- <br /> operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces, dence that the Work cannot be completed for the unpaid bal- <br /> and to award separate contracts in connection with other por- ance of the Contract Sum,(5)damage to the Owner or another <br /> tions of the Project or other construction or operations on.the contractor, (6)reasonable evidence that the Work will not be <br /> site under conditions of the contract identical or substantially completed within the Contract Time and that the unpaid bal- <br /> similar to these, including those portions related to insurance ance would not be adequate to cover actual or liquidated dam- <br /> and waiver of subrogation. if the Contractor claims that delay ages for the anticipated delay, or(7)persistent failure to carry <br /> or additional cost is involved because of such action by the out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. <br /> Owner,the Contractor shall make such claim as provided else- 15.3 When the Architect agrees that the Work is substantially <br /> where in the Contract Documents. complete, the Architect will issue a Certificate of Substantial <br /> 12.2 The Contractor shall afford the Owner and separate con- Completion. <br /> tractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and stor- 15.4 Final payment shall not become due until the Contractor <br /> age of their materials and equipment and performance of their has delivered to the Owner a complete release of all liens arising <br /> activities, and shall connect and coordinate the Contractor's out of this Contract or receipts in full covering all labor,mate- <br /> construction and operations with theirs as required by the Con- rials and equipment for which alien could be filed,or a bond <br /> tract Documents. satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify the Owner against such <br /> AIA DOCUMENT A107•ABBREVIATED OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT•NINTH EDITION•AIAO •©1987 <br /> THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W.,WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A107-1887 8 <br /> WARNING-Unlirwnanrl nhntnen~li vInW..I I C en~rinhr Ia...c and is c.h:ort�n Iuno:n«cnn..Nnn <br />