Minutes - 20030513
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030513
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2. Employee Classification and Pay Study Implementation <br />John Link thanked Steve Condrey, who has worked as a consultant on the <br />classification and pay study. He also thanked Personnel Director Elaine Holmes and her <br />staff. <br />Steve Condrey said that they worked on the project for 18 months and this will <br />help the County become more competitive in the labor market. <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes gave the PowerPoint presentation. She went <br />through the history of the implementation of the study. The Board agreed to implement <br />Phase I at its February 24th work session. Elements that were discussed to be included <br />in Phase I include an increase in the salaries of employees who fall below the new range <br />up to the new minimum, and a 2.5°~ service based increase to current employees. The <br />study results are provided in the report by the consultant. <br />In summary, Elaine Holmes said that she believes this is an excellent study and it <br />achieves the objectives that the Board set out to achieve. <br />The Manager recommends pursuance of a phased-in implementation approach. <br />Phase I will include implementation of the new jab classifications and the new stepless <br />salary schedule, increase of salaries below the new minimum up to the new minimum, <br />and granting the first 2.5°~ service-based increase. As for fiscal years 2003-04 and <br />2004-05, the recommendation is that the Board express its intent to grant the second <br />2.5% service based increase effective April 26, 2004 for employees with four or more <br />years of service; and express its intent to grant a third 2.5% service-based increase <br />effective July 1, 2004 to those employees with seven or more years service. The costs <br />of the implementation are within the $1.2 million guideline. She made reference to page <br />13 of the abstract and explained the rainbow chart. <br />Elaine Holmes said that this study represents an investment in the County's work <br />force that will have benefits to the County for years to come. <br />Several clarifying questions from Commissioner Gordon were answered by <br />Elaine Holmes. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the years of service and why we were going <br />to recognize employees at four and seven years. Steve Condrey said that he wanted to <br />make the break at the seven-year level because if someone is with the company for <br />seven years, then they are probably going to be a long-term employee. <br />Commissioner Carey asked for a reminder on what was done for the County <br />employees last year and Elaine Holmes said that there was a 2.5% cost of living <br />increase and the in-range salary increase amount was set at 2.5°lo and the meritorious <br />service awards were funded. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the green sheet regarding the housing <br />wage. He said that they have tried to address the lowest paid employees. Also, <br />regarding Sheriff's deputies, the County requires them to live in Orange County but they <br />were not being paid enough to match the housing living wage. He wanted to put forward <br />to try to phase in getting all employees up to a housing wage. He would like to look at <br />some creative ways without spending more money to fold this in and make the <br />statement to employees that we da want them to live in this community. He asked how <br />the Board felt about this. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked Elaine Holmes to refresh his memory on the <br />estimated cost of atwo-bedroom apartment rental in Orange County. Elaine Holmes <br />said that the estimated cost to move the minimum County salary up to the two-bedroom <br />rental was $715.00. The fair market rental for atwo-bedroom apartment is $800 a <br />month. <br />
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