Orange County NC Website
5. Habitat agrees to pay OCHLT a Development Fee of$1,500 for development rights to the <br /> property. <br /> 6. Habitat shall be solely responsible for supervising and otherwise assuring the safe and timely <br /> construction of the Dwelling Unit per the terms of the Construction Contract. <br /> 7. The Purchase and Sales Contract between Purchaser and OCHLT shall: <br /> a) Be in the amount of the value of the improvements as determined by an appraisal upon <br /> the completion of construction. <br /> b) Include as an exhibit,a copy of the form of the OCHLT Ground Lease Agreement. <br /> c) Reference the intent of this MOU(Le. that the Property's underlying land will be owned <br /> by the OCHLT and leased to the Purchaser per the terms of the OCHLT Ground Lease <br /> Agreement and Performance Agreement). <br /> d) Include a letter of stipulation and attorney's declaration to this MOU providing no more <br /> than 10 business days for the Purchaser to obtain independent advice as to the nature of <br /> the OCHLT Program within which period Purchaser may elect, in writing, to declare the <br /> Contract null and void and be entitled to the return of any earnest money deposit held on <br /> account of the Contract;require that Purchaser,prior to closing, successfully complete or <br /> otherwise provide evidence of having successfully completed a first time homebuyer <br /> education curriculum taught by a ccrtiified instructor. , <br /> 8. Legal expenses for drawing up Memorandum of Understanding and Construction Contract <br /> will be borne by OCHLT. <br /> 9. Any conflicts between Habitat and OCHLT arising from changes in the organizational <br /> policies or procedures of either party will be resolved ip.good faith. Either party may <br /> terminate this MOU at any time with 5 business day's written notice to the other party,until <br /> the Construction Contract between OCHLT and Habitat is signed Alter the Construction <br /> Contract is signed, both parties"agree to be bound by the terms of the Construction Contract. <br /> OCHLT By: 74- <br /> Date: 9V4q ZMt <br /> Habitat Bx/ ` Date: -2.5-o'L. <br /> 4 <br />