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___ ___ __ ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ <br /> 3 <br /> development of new regulations associated with the development of solar arrays. <br /> Recently there has been heightened interest in the development of solar arrays '; <br /> within the County. While there is technically no land use category within the UDO ' <br /> specifically geared towards the development of a solar array, staff has determined ' <br /> that such uses would fall into the following land use designations as detailed within ' <br /> Section 5.2 Table of Permitted Uses of the UDO: <br /> 1. ACCESSORY USE: Staff would consider the erection/use of a solar array ' <br /> intended to generate energy for either direct personal consumption or as a ; <br /> means of off-setting power usage through established programs with various : <br /> local utility companies as a customary accessory use, permitted by right (i.e. ; <br /> staff approval) for all developments in every zoning district. <br /> The main caveat is that the device has to be subordinate to the principal use <br /> on a given parcel of property and not, due to its size, dwarf the existing ; <br /> principal use and be required to adhere to all applicable development <br /> limitations (i.e. setbacks, impervious surface, etc.). <br /> 2. PRINCIPAL USE: Staff would consider any development of a solar array to <br /> be permitted as a Public Utility Stations and Substations, Switching Stations, <br /> Te/ephone Exchange, Water and Sewer Treatment Plants land use, which is a <br /> permitted use in every zoning district subject to the review and approval of a <br /> Class A Special Use Permit. <br /> Existing development standards do not necessarily complement the development of <br /> solar arrays from a landscape/buffer, setback, stormwater, impervious surface limit, ; <br /> or height limitation standpoint. Attachment 2 of the abstract package provides ; <br /> additional insight into the various issues impacting the development of solar arrays <br /> within the County. <br /> There is also no administrative procedure within the UDO that would provide staff <br /> sufficient flexibility in addressing these issues without a comprehensive amendment : <br /> package, except the potential of using the Conditional Use process that would create <br /> site specific regulations for a given property mutually agreed to by the applicant and <br /> the elected officials. <br /> Staff has inquired with several county planning departments, as well as our ! <br /> surrounding planning partners (i.e. Town of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough, ! <br /> Durham County, Chatham County) about the existence of regulations governing the <br /> development of solar arrays. In all cases staff was informed this is an issue that has <br /> been identified as needing discussion but no formal steps had been taken to <br /> establish regulations or approval processes. <br /> Through this process, staff is proposing to modify Section 5.9 Standards for Utilities <br /> of the UDO to: <br /> • Modify and clarify existing regulations goveming the development of utilities ' <br /> within the County, <br /> • Create new section(s) governing the development of solar arrays as <br /> __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ <br /> 2 <br />