Orange County NC Website
2 <br />Upon further review, Orange County Planning Staff has prepared Option 2 (Attachment 51 as its <br />preferred alternative to the boundary proposed by B -G MPO and City of Mebane staff. Option 2 <br />takes the County's Land Use Plan (Transition Areas), as well as the Water and Sewer <br />Management, Planning, and Boundary Agreement Map (Primary Service Areas) into <br />consideration and provides the justification for lands to be included in MPOs versus the Triangle <br />Area Rural Planning Organization (RPO). <br />Both Options 1 and 2 keep the Efland - Buckhorn- Mebane growth corridor in one MPO. <br />However, Option 1 splits Efland in half. Orange County Planning Staff believes that Option 1 is <br />overly broad because it includes lands to the north and south that are planned for rural style <br />development, which is not preferable in urban MPOs. <br />Following development of Option 2, 2010 Census data was released identifying the latest <br />Urbanized Areas (UZAs), which are to be included within MPO boundaries. As a result, staff is <br />also seeking Board input on the handling of two additional areas now designated UZA, which <br />can be seen on Attachment 5. One area located at Daniels Farm Road and the other near <br />Saddle Club Road -at the Orange /Alamance County line. <br />Summary of Proposed Next Steps: <br />1. Orange County BOCC feedback at this meeting <br />2. Joint staff meeting among all parties to discuss feedback received (Mebane and Orange <br />County) and develop final recommendation <br />3. Orange County BOCC to provide formal recommendation to DCHC MPO <br />4. DCHC Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) recommendation <br />5. DCHC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consideration /approval <br />6. B -G MPO TCC/TAC consideration /approval of companion amendment <br />Links to Additional Materials From 2009 DCHC MPO Expansion Process: <br />11/17/09 Orange County BOCC Meeting Materials - <br />h <br />12/9/09 DCHC TAC Meeting Materials - <br />http: / / /index.php ?option =com wrapper &Itemid =41 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with providing feedback to staff <br />on this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1. Provide staff with any feedback it may have on Option 1 (Attachment 4); Option 2 <br />(Attachment 5); and the two UZA areas mentioned herein and also shown on <br />Attachment 5; <br />2. Direct staff to bring this item back to the Board at a subsequent meeting for its formal <br />recommendation; and <br />3. Request an update from the Burlington- Graham MPO on the status of amendments to <br />its by -laws to include Orange County representation in its membership. <br />