Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> NEW & ENHANCED BUS SERVICES <br /> NEW&ENHANCED SERVICE:CHAPEL HILL TRANSIT(CONT.) <br /> j Project <br /> Rank Project Name Service Description Hours <br /> Modify evening service and operating hours to <br /> 11 Extend evening service make it consistent system wide. 4,08 <br /> ittsboro Chapel Hill Increase frequency of the express route <br /> 17 between Pittsboro and Chapel Hill to 30 816 <br /> Express minutes during the peak commute. _ <br /> mprove peak hour bus Add additional peak hour buses on existing <br /> 19 Chapel Hill Transit routes in response 2,209 <br /> �equency ridership growth. <br /> NEW & ENHANCED BUS SERVICES <br /> NEW&ENHANCED SERVICE:TRIANGLE TRANSIT <br /> Project Project Name Service Description Hours <br /> Rank <br /> Increase peak-hour frequency of the <br /> 2 Route 405:Carrboro-Chapel express route between Durham and 3,263 <br /> Hill-Durham Express Chapel Hill or Carrboro to 15 minutes <br /> urin the peak commute. <br /> Mebane-Hillsborough- ntroduce a new express route serving <br /> 3 Durham Express Mebane,Hillsborough,and Durham. 1,632 <br /> Route 800:SW Durham <br /> Phase I service improvement-increase <br /> 9 Southpoint)-Chapel Hill 1,632 <br /> hour frequency on the existing TTA 1,632 <br /> peak Route 800.Currently the route operates <br /> _ <br /> at 30-minute frequency. <br /> hioute 405:Carrboro-Chapel Extend service between Durham and <br /> 12 ill-Durham Express Chapel Hill or Carrboro to l 1pm on 220 <br /> Saturdays <br /> Route 800:Chapel Hill- Extend service between RTP and Chapel <br /> 13 Regional Transit Center via Hill(via Southpoint)to l 1pm on 220 <br /> outhpointSaturdays Oaturdays <br /> 1.1 <br />