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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: April 3, 2012 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. (o- Q <br />SUBJECT: Orange County Transit Plan Public Outreach <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) Yes <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />1- Orange County Transit Program Timeline Craig Benedict, 245-2585 <br />2- PowerPoint Presentation Tom Altieri, 245-2575 <br />Darcy Zorio, 245-2582 <br />PURPOSE: To receive public comment on the Orange County Transit Plan (OCTP) prior <br />to the Board's adoption of the draft plan tentatively scheduled for May 1, 2012. <br />BACKGROUND: This public hearing is the first of finro for the Board to receive public <br />comments on the basic elements of the Orange County Transit Plan. The second hearing <br />will be held on April 17, 2012 at the Southern Human Services Center, providing public <br />input opportunities in both the central and southern portions of the County. Attachment 1 <br />provides a timeline for the Orange County Transit Program. <br />The Orange County Transit Plan (OCTP, also referred to as the Orange County Bus and <br />Rail Investment Plan) will describe how Orange County plans to utilize revenue from the'/2 <br />cent sales tax if approved by Orange County voters and other revenue sources. (A <br />separate public hearing is proposed for the Board's May 1, 2012 regular meeting for <br />placing the % cent sales tax on the November ballot). The Plan includes elements such as: <br />• Fixed guideway transit (Light Rail Transit) <br />o Orange County's transit partnership with Durham County <br />• Expanded or new bus service (local, rural and regional) <br />• Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd bus lanes <br />• Small capital transit facilities (park and ride lots, train stations) <br />The Power Point presentation (Attachment 2) outlines the principals of the OCTP and <br />includes maps describing the proposed bus and fixed guideway elements of the Plan. <br />Staffs from Triangle Transit and Chapel Hill Transit have been asked to attend tonight's <br />meeting for any specific questions on their respective proposed bus routes. <br />All comments received tonight and at the April 17, 2012 meeting will be considered by the <br />Board prior to the adoption of the draft OCTP. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board conduct the public <br />hearing and accept public comments on the proposed draft OCTP. <br />