Orange County NC Website
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PETITION: <br />1. Complete ~-formation Section <br />2. I@entify ContacC Person ('I1vs pexson serves as spokesperson for petitioner(s)). <br />3. Attach Two (2) copies o£~ewrded subdivision plat or properiy deeds, wluch refer to candidate road. <br />4. Adjoiningproperty owners and/or the deveioper may submif a petition. Subdivision roacls wid- prior NC.DOT review and approva! ouly <br />requ've #he developer's sigoature. <br />5. If submitted by the developer, encroachment agreements fro~n all utilities located within the right of way shail be submitte~ with t}te petition <br />for Itnad addition. I3owever, construction plans may not be required at this time. <br />6. Submit to District Engine~r's OfFtce. <br />FOR NCDOT USE ONLX: Please check tlze ~propriate bIock <br />ORural ltoad OSabdivzsion established prior m Ocrober 1, 1975 ~Subdivision established after October 1,1975 <br />REQUIItEMENTS FOR ADDITION <br />If this road meets the requinrenaents necessary for addition, we agree tq grant ti~e Department of Transportation a right~-of- <br />way of the necessary width to construc# the road #o the minzmum consUuction standards of the NCDOT. This xight or-way <br />will extend the eniiie lehgth of the road that is requested to be added to the state main#ained system and will include the <br />necessary areas outside of the right-of-way for cut and fll slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right- <br />of-wa.y at intetsections for sight distttnce and design purposes an.d to execnte said right-of-way agreement fornis thax will be <br />submitted to us by represezitarives of the NCDOT. The right-of-way shall be cleared at no expense to the NCDOT, which <br />includes the re~n.oval of utilities, £ences, other obshuctions, etc. <br />Geacral3tatate 136-102.6 sfates that anq subdivision recorded oa or aiier October 1,1975, raust be built ia accorclance witd NCDOT <br />staodarda in order Yo be eligi6k for addition to the State Roxd System. <br />ROAD NA~4IE HOMES LENG'i'H <br />~ 65 ~+~ <br />Lee Fox Larte 5 -°^~r~ I2~AD NAME HOT~.3, LENGTH <br />- <br />~t~. ~~1~~ O. lc~,1.,; ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />34 <br />