Orange County NC Website
15 <br />INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PETITION: ~ <br />1. Complete Tnformation Section <br />2. Identify Contaat Person (This person serves as spokesperson fox petitioner{s)). <br />3. Attach Two (2) copies of iecorded subdivision plat or property deeds, wluch zefea to caudidate road. <br />4. Adjoiniing property owners and/or the develop~ may submit a petition. Subdivision roads with prior 33CDOT review and approval only <br />~equire S3~e developer's signadue. <br />5. If s~bmiusd by the developer, encroachment ageements fram all ute~ities locaYed within the right of way shaIl be submitted with the petition <br />for Road addition. However, oonstructionplaus may not be req~ired at this time. <br />6. Submit to Distric:t Engineer's Office. <br />FOR NCDOT USE ONLY: Please cbeck thz appcopriate block <br />ORural Road ^ Subdivision established prlor to October 1,1975 ~.Subdiv~sion esEablished after Ockober l, i97S <br />R~OUIIt~MENTS FOR ADDITION <br />If this road meets the requu~em..ends necessary for addition, we agree to grant the Departmeut of Transportation a right of- <br />way of the necessary width to const~uct the road to the minimnrr, construction standards of the NCDOT. This right or-way <br />will extend the entire iength of the mad that is zequested to be added to the state maintained system and will include fhe <br />nec~ssary areas outside of the right~f-way for cut and fiil slopes and drainag~ Also, we agree to dedicate add.ifional right- <br />of-v-+ay at intersections far sight distance and de.sign purposes and to execute said night-of-way agreemeai# forrns that wiil be <br />submitted to us by represeutatives of the NCD~T. Tha right-of-way shall be cleared at no expense to t6e NCDOT, which <br />iacludes #he removal of utilities, fences, other obst,rucfions, eta. <br />Generai Stafate 136-102.6 states thut any subdivision ncorded on or aiter October 1,1975, mast be bailt in aecordance witi NCDOT <br />sfandards ia order Yo be elig~le for addition to the State Road System. <br />RQAD NAME HOMES I.ENGTH <br />(Z. ~~J' fhi <br />Lee Fox Lane 5 -~86-~t- ROA.D NAME HOME LEN~'H <br />1~ U~ O. f ~,~,; - <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />34 <br />