Orange County NC Website
13 <br />North Carotina Department of Transportation <br />Division of Highways ~, <br />Secondary Road Addition investigatian Report <br />_ ~ <br />County: Orange Co. File No: <br />Township: Eno Div. File No: <br />0-10-I S <br />Date: 11/18/20l 1 <br />Div. No: 7 <br />Local Lee Fox Lane <br />Name: <br />0.15 <br />Length: <br />SurFace ` <br />Thickness <br />2" <br />18' <br />Width: <br />ABC <br />___. Base Type <br />Fox Hill Farm - Central <br />Subdivision Name: <br />SurFace I-2 <br />Type: PVMT Condition: <br />Base 8" <br />Thickness <br />*Retaining <br />""Bridges Yes No X '" Pipe > 48" Yes No X w~~s W«jn <br />- - Righf of Way <br />* If Yes =lnclude Bridge Maintenance Investigation Repqrt <br />!s this a subd9vision street subject to the construction requirements for such streets? <br />Recording Date: 49/03/2003 Book: 92 Page: 194 <br />Number of homes having entrances into road: 5 <br />~ther uses having entrances into road: None <br />Ef right~f-way is below the desired width, give reasons <br />Right-of-Way Width: Sp° . under "Remarks and Recommendations " <br />fs petition (SR-1) attached? Yes - <br />Is #he Counfy Commissioners Approva! (SR-2} attached? Yes If not, why not? <br />Is a map attached indicating information for reference in locating road by the <br />Planning Department7 Yes <br />Cost to place in acceptable maintenance condition: Total Cost: $ 0.00 <br />Grade, drain, stabilize: $ 0.00 Drainage: $ 0.00 Other: $ Q.00 <br />Remarks and Recommenda#ions: Road meets minimum requirements. Recommend addition <br />Submitted by: c,~~-~P C.N. Edwards Reviewed and Approved: ~ J.M. Mills <br />~ISTRICT ENGINEER DIVISI(~N ENGINEER <br />Reviewed and Approved <br />BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION MEMBER: <br />Do not write in thi.s space- For Use by Secondary <br />Roads Unit <br />Petition # <br />Good <br />Yes No_X <br />Form SR 4 {11/05/07) <br />