Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 David King said that Triangle Transit intends to respond. The report is 76 pages and is <br /> 2 full of data, some of which is correct and some of which is not. Triangle Transit is working with <br /> 3 David Cook of Wake County and CAMPO to produce a comprehensive response. He said that <br /> 4 David Cook is going around to all municipalities to make presentations on the Wake County <br /> 5 plan. <br /> 6 Commissioner Jacobs said that it is important to have both sides articulated equally and <br /> 7 as close together as possible. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 5. Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan: Financial Plan Elements <br /> 10 Craig Benedict said that this is a product of bus and rail and other categories. There are <br /> 11 26,000 people that commute out of Orange County and 23,000 that come into Orange County. <br /> 12 Orange County also has 16,000 people that commute into Durham County and about 9,000 <br /> 13 come from Durham into Orange County. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 6. Next Steps <br /> 16 a. Passenger Rail- Hillsborough Station <br /> 17 Chair Pelissier said that the Board had petitions from Hillsborough about a possible <br /> 18 Hillsborough station and this needs to be addressed at the next intergovernmental meeting. <br /> 19 b. Timeline—Other Issues <br /> 20 Chair Pelissier made reference to the timeline from December and said that the Board <br /> 21 said that it wanted to make a decision about putting the referendum on the ballot in March or <br /> 22 April. She does not think that the Board is ready for this. It can still be done in May. <br /> 23 C. Interlocal Agreements—3 <br /> 24 d. Referendum Deadline <br /> 25 Chair Pelissier asked if the Board wanted to have the draft agreements in place before <br /> 26 voting to put this on the ballot. <br /> 27 The Board agreed by consensus to have draft agreements. Commissioner Jacobs did <br /> 28 not have an opinion about it. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Chair Pelissier asked if the Board needed more information on the bus plan. <br /> 31 Commissioner Yuhasz said that he felt he had enough information without additional <br /> 32 information, but he is not comfortable with this plan at this point. <br /> 33 Commissioner Hemminger said that until the Board discusses something about the <br /> 34 financial plan, she will not be comfortable. <br /> 35 Commissioner Jacobs said that he felt fairly comfortable with the plan. The reason that <br /> 36 he did not have an opinion on having a draft agreement in place is because he thinks that they <br /> 37 can work on the general outline of an agreement, but it is optimistic to think that three <br /> 38 agreements could be nailed down in the time necessary. He said that he would like a little more <br /> 39 information about how the Durham City/Chapel Hill Future Municipal Agreement will work. He <br /> 40 would like this in writing. <br /> 41 Wib Gulley said that this line is already part of Chapel Hill. Mayor Kleinschmidt said that <br /> 42 Chapel Hill has annexed all of the portions that it can plan for. <br /> 43 <br />