Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> 1 Triangle Regional Transit Program <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Orange County Transit Plan <br /> 4 <br /> 5 February 14, 2012 <br /> 6 Orange County: HOME <br /> 7 Orange County: Population Distribution <br /> 8 <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Key Point: Rural and Urban Townships <br /> 11 Have Many Transportation Needs in Common <br /> 12 - Many residents work at either UNC or Duke <br /> 13 Focus: Mebane-Hillsborough-Durham Route and Route 420 <br /> 14 Park & Ride: TCRP (Transit Cooperative Research Program) Report 95 <br /> 15 "The majority of park-and ride users typically come from within 5 miles and more than 80 <br /> 16 percent travel less than 10 miles to their facility." <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Different for UNC Workers: 58% drive more than 10 miles to their Park& Ride lot <br /> 19 Source: UNC <br /> 20 Campus Commuting Study, 2010 <br /> 21 <br /> 22 - It is estimated that 90-95% of Orange County lives within the Park & Ride catchment <br /> 23 areas <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Durham-Orange Corridor Technology: <br /> 26 Light Rail Transit vs Bus Rapid Transit <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Operating Costs: Bus vs. Rail, National Experience <br /> 29 Economic Development, National Experience <br /> 30 Can BRT be done cheaper than projected in AA? <br /> 31 Speed Is Expensive. Lower cost= lower benefits. <br /> 32 Some "BRT" projects are not at all "rapid transit" <br /> 33 Cleveland, OH Euclid Corridor (Source: ITDP 2011) <br /> 34 $7 million /mile; Average speed: 12.5 mph <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Los Angeles Metro Orange Line <br /> 37 $28 million/ mile; Average speed: 18 mph <br /> 38 Proposed Durham-Orange BRT-Low Alternative <br />