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5 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Commissioner Gordon asked what level of investment for BRT had Chapel Hill <br /> 3 estimated. <br /> 4 Mayor Kleinschmidt said that they understand that funding is a challenge for any <br /> 5 transportation plan. They have developed tools to help meet those funding needs. One of the <br /> 6 tools is to require transit contributions by the developer. <br /> 7 Commissioner Gordon said that Orange County has been trying to work more closely <br /> 8 with the town partners. She asked about the best way for the County and Chapel Hill to work <br /> 9 together on a long-range plan regarding transportation investment. <br /> 10 Mayor Kleinschmidt said that this is a really good opportunity to begin working together. <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs asked if phase one of Hillmont was thought of as transit oriented. <br /> 12 He said that if the County were to choose C-2, then there would be more of an emphasis on that <br /> 13 development. <br /> 14 Mayor Kleinschmidt said that it was adopted as a master plan in three phases. He has <br /> 15 not had specific discussions about how to accommodate this. There is an awareness that the <br /> 16 plan will have to accommodate the station. <br /> 17 Commissioner Hemminger asked about the discussion regarding the Friday Center and <br /> 18 the park and ride lot there. She asked where all of these people would park once this is <br /> 19 redeveloped. <br /> 20 Mayor Kleinschmidt said that there would be a dispersion of park and ride throughout the <br /> 21 different transit stations. <br /> 22 Commissioner McKee said that he is very concerned about moving too fast without <br /> 23 knowing all of the implications. He asked about the projected population increases and the <br /> 24 effects of light rail. He asked about the possibility of vertical development. <br /> 25 Mayor Kleinschmidt agreed that vertical development should be discussed. <br /> 26 Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to the NC 54 Corridor and asked if there was <br /> 27 anything specific about the plans that require light rail rather than bus rapid transit. Mayor <br /> 28 Kleinschmidt said that they have planned for light rail for this area. These developments were <br /> 29 designed to be used with light rail and modified bus. <br /> 30 Chair Pelissier asked if Chapel Hill would consider doing BRT in the 15-501 corridor <br /> 31 versus doing it on MILK. She said that the County Commissioners have not had this discussion <br /> 32 as a board yet and asked if it was something they would like to consider. <br /> 33 Mayor Kleinschmidt said that he would like to get the input of UNC officials on this, since <br /> 34 the University is one of the most important partners. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 4. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Light Rail Transit (LRT) Comparison from Triangle <br /> 37 Transit/Durham-Orange County Corridor Alternatives Analysis (Volume One: Detailed of <br /> 38 Definitions of Alternative Technical Report, July 2011 page 3 -45 Table 3-25 Summary of <br /> 39 Detailed Alternatives Evaluation and page 2- 42 & 2-45 Table 2-15, 2035 Segments or Areas <br /> 40 with VIC Ratios at or over Capacity) <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Craig Benedict said that the content of Mayor Kleinschmidt's discussion covered a lot of <br /> 43 this item. <br /> 44 Patrick McDonough from Triangle Transit made a PowerPoint presentation. <br />