Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 1 - Orange plan must be approved by Orange BOCC, DCHC-MPO TAC, and Triangle <br /> 2 Transit Board of Trustees (Durham has completed these steps) <br /> 3 - Part of a process required by STATE law <br /> 4 <br /> 5 <br /> 6 The financial plan needs to be approved by the Board of Commissioners and the two <br /> 7 MPOs. Even though the LPA was approved it does not mean that the County needs to approve <br /> 8 the financial plan or put this on the ballot. If the Board does proceed with a referendum, it <br /> 9 needs to keep up to date with the changing conditions in the financial plan that will last until <br /> 10 2035. Revenues should go up and costs will also go up. There are a lot of moving parts. <br /> 11 Chair Pelissier said that her understanding is that if they do not put the sales tax on the <br /> 12 ballot that this will be a negative for the New Start Application and Craig Benedict said yes. <br /> 13 Commissioner Gordon said that she did check with the MPO today and the BRT on 15- <br /> 14 501 is in the long-range transportation plan for 2035. This area is in Chapel Hill and the County <br /> 15 will need to work closely with Chapel Hill. <br /> 16 Commissioner McKee said that because there has been mention that BRT can be <br /> 17 pursued on the 15-501 corridors, are there figures of what the total cost would be if all the <br /> 18 options were implemented outside of the light rail component. <br /> 19 Craig Benedict said that there are no figures for BRT in the 15-501 corridor. In the <br /> 20 Martin Luther King corridor, there was $19 million put aside. <br /> 21 Chair Pelissier suggested moving on, unless there were some implications to what has <br /> 22 already been approved. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 2. Shared Benefits <br /> 25 i a. Shared Benefits Memo of 5/10/11 from John Hodges-Copple, Triangle J <br /> 26 Council of Governments (Attachment 2) <br /> 27 John Hodges-Copple made reference to his handout, and indicated that one part was <br /> 28 one page and the other one was 10 pages. He said that the technical experts were trying to <br /> 29 provide information so that local officials could decide where and what to fund. He said that <br /> 30 local governments are trying to put money in one of three bins. In Orange County, one of those <br /> 31 bins was the light rail investment. Another bin was MLK Parkway BRT of$19 million. The other <br /> 32 bin was bus — everything from local routes, to regional routes, to human service agency <br /> 33 transportation. The trick is to line these things up in Orange County and Durham County. He <br /> 34 said that Orange County needs to sit down with Durham County and figure out how to allocate <br /> 35 local revenues to the shared investment. He made reference to page 13 of the abstract and the <br /> 36 "Other Benefits", which are shown below: <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Environmental Benefits <br /> 39 - Reduced traffic congestion <br /> 40 - Reduced fuel consumption <br /> 41 - Better air quality <br /> 42 - Reduced sprawl and more efficient pattern of development at the regional scale <br /> 43 - Conservation of open space <br /> 44 - Shorter trip lengths due to more compact development <br /> I <br />