Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> 1 Commissioner Foushee said that she is comfortable with her knowledge of the plan but <br /> 2 until the Board sees what a draft interlocal or financial plan looks like, they will not be as <br /> 3 comfortable with the plan until they know about the cost sharing of this plan. She said that the <br /> 4 Board needs to know how the interlocal agreements are implemented and who will be <br /> 5 responsible for what. <br /> 6 Commissioner McKee said that he is adamantly opposed to bringing this to the public to <br /> 7 consider a referendum for a 'h-cent sales tax until many if these unknowns are discussed and <br /> 8 worked out. <br /> 9 Commissioner Gordon said that she wants to be very clear about the financials of the <br /> 10 plan. She also wanted to know more about the investments in BRT. <br /> 11 Chair Pelissier suggested that in agenda review, that a plan be developed of the public <br /> 12 hearings and decisions. She suggested having a public hearing on both ends of the County. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> 15 adjourn the meeting at 9:43 PM. <br /> 16 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Donna S. Baker, CMC <br /> 21 Clerk to the Board <br /> 22 <br />