Minutes - 20030429
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030429
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Last modified
8/14/2008 4:13:10 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:09:55 PM
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Agenda - 04-29-2003-
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7. Informational Items <br />a) open Space Provisions in Recently Adopted Rural Buffer <br />Zoning District Amendments <br />Craig Benedict said that previously Urange County had in its zoning <br />code atwo-acre minimum lot size and in its subdivision code it had only one type <br />of option that was mandated by the code - a conventional option. There was not <br />a requirement for open space. other rural sections of the County had the <br />provision of providing a conventional (no open space required) and a flexible <br />open space plan where 33% open space was required. Based an some <br />development that has occurred in the rural buffer without the open space <br />provision, the staff thought it would be better to have the option in the rural buffer. <br />This would still require atwo-acre minimum lot size but require 33% open space <br />beyond the two-acre minimum lot size. If a flexible open space plan is provided, <br />it reduces density in the area from one unit per two acres to one unit per three <br />acres if this option is chosen. <br />The staff also looked at how neighbors were notified in the rural <br />buffer compared to other sections of the County. The neighborhood information <br />meeting is now required in the rural buffer. They are also putting signage on the <br />property. These provisions were brought forward to public hearing and the local <br />governments in the joint planning area were notified. There were na comments. <br />The amendments were adopted a few months ago. <br />b} Southern Human Services Center Grounds and Pond - Ameri- <br />Carps Volunteers <br />Chair Brown said that she put this on the agenda because she has <br />been asked about the house on this property a number of times. There have <br />been some funds available to put on a new roof and keep it maintained. The <br />County Commissioners would like to refurbish and provide a public meeting <br />place. The County recently received a grant from Ameri-corps. <br />Dave Stancil said that a group of 12 volunteers from Ameri-corps <br />came from January 15th to the end of February. The group constructed trails and <br />did a trail connector into the Horace Williams Tract and cleaned up around the <br />house. <br />c) School Siting Proposal <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there is a brief document - 7-c -, <br />which talks about the flaws in the statutory process by which schools are sited. <br />The County Commissioners considered this worthy of further discussion on <br />whether or not to pursue putting together a memorandum of understanding. This <br />would propose that the planning staffs and other staffs would work together and <br />get out front of the school siting process and try and develop a proactive plan on <br />where we are likely to site schools for the next ten years. This would be using <br />the knowledge and expertise of land use planners who are already employed by <br />the municipalities. It would be similar to the way joint planning is done. The <br />
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