Orange County NC Website
Wo -y lJd2 lexlc <br /> 2- <br /> AN 0 1 S <br /> AN INTERIM ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE YEAR-ROUND <br /> CONSERVATION OF WATER AND FOR TEMPORARY RESTRICTIONS <br /> DURING WATER SHORTAGES AND EMERGENCIES RELATED TO ALL <br /> ORANGE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY CUSTOMERS LOCATED IN <br /> THE UNINCORPORATED PART OF ORANGE COUNTY <br /> Section I. Purpose <br /> This ordinance is enacted to support the following primary water conservation and <br /> demand management goals: <br /> 1. To reduce the rate of growth in overall water use so as to maximize the community's <br /> existing and planned water supply sources; and <br /> 2. To reduce the upward trend of seasonal peak day demands that drive the costly <br /> expansion of water treatment, storage, and transmission facilities; and <br /> 3. To provide an orderly process for reducing community-wide water demands during <br /> periods of water shortage or emergencies. <br /> Section II. Year-Round Practices <br /> 1. All Orange Water and Sewer Authority(OWASA) customers are encouraged to <br /> exercise voluntary water conservation practices at all times during the year;regardless <br /> of water shortage or emergency conditions. OWASA shall periodically provide <br /> informational guidelines and conservation tips to its customers. <br /> 2. All newly installed or substantially improved irrigation systems that are equipped <br /> with automatic timers and which use OWASA-supplied potable water shall be <br /> equipped with automatic rain or soil moisture sensors that are activated to prevent the <br /> operation of those irrigation systems while rain is falling and/or when soil moisture is <br /> adequate. <br /> Section III. Determination of Water Shortage or Emenzency <br /> A water shortage or water emergency shall be deemed to exist when OWASA cannot <br /> supply its customers with sufficient water to protect the public health and safety without <br /> substantial reductions in water demand. <br /> 1. Any of the following conditions, as determined by OWASA's Executive Director, <br /> shall constitute a Stage I Water Shortage: <br /> a) The total volume of water stored in OWASA's Cane Creek/University Lake/Stone <br /> Quarry reservoir system is equal to or less than 125 summer days of OWASA <br /> 1 <br />