Orange County NC Website
SECTION 5 <br /> Time and Performance: Contractor shall begin the services to be performed under this <br /> Agreement upon Notice to Proceed from the County, and shall take any necessary actions to <br /> assure readiness for, and successful completion of, the Household Hazardous Waste Collection <br /> Program, the Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Program, and the provision of <br /> services to Local Government entities and Public School Systems within or mostly within <br /> Orange County. <br /> SECTION 6 <br /> Termination: Either Contractor or the County may terminate this Agreement for convenience <br /> and without cause, upon one hundred twenty(120) days' prior written notice to the other party. <br /> Such termination shall be without prejudice to any remedy Contractor or the County may have <br /> pertaining to this Agreement. In the event of termination, any work in progress will continue to <br /> completion unless specified otherwise in the notice of termination. The County shall pay for any <br /> such work in progress that is completed by Contractor and accepted by the County. <br /> SECTION 7, <br /> Excuse of Performance: The County's obligation to deliver and Contractor's obligation to accept <br /> for disposal any waste pursuant to this Agreement may be suspended by either party in the event <br /> of any of the following events which prevent the delivery,transportation, acceptance,treatment, <br /> incineration, or disposal of the Waste: act of God, war, riot, fire, explosion, accident, flood, <br /> sabotage; compliance with governmental requests, laws, regulations, orders or actions; <br /> revocation or modification of governmental permits or other required licenses or approvals; <br /> national defense requirements or any other event beyond the reasonable control of such party; <br /> labor trouble; strike, lockout or injunction; provided,however, that the event is not due to acts or <br /> omissions which are in the reasonable control of the party claiming an excuse of performance, <br /> and further provided that neither party shall be required to settle a labor dispute against its own <br /> best judgment. The parties shall use their best efforts to perform this Agreement upon the <br /> cessation of the event giving rise to the delay. <br /> SECTION 8 <br /> Generator of and Title to Waste: The Contractor shall be deemed to be the "Generator" for <br /> record keeping and paperwork purposes, of all household hazardous wastes accepted by the <br /> Contractor during the Household Hazardous Waste Program from residents of the County's <br /> service areas. The "Generator" of the Waste pursuant to applicable law shall be determined in <br /> accordance with applicable law. <br /> Title to all identified household hazardous wastes accepted by the Contractor while performing <br /> household hazardous waste management services under this Agreement for transport, recycling <br /> and disposal by the Contractor shall pass directly from program participants to the Contractor at <br /> the time of Contractor's acceptance of said waste, except as explicitly stated herein, for example <br /> 12 <br />