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the problem in this concept and they are asking far approval of costs and for <br />condemnation. There is no provision in the North Carolina General Statutes far this <br />approval to came to the Board of County Commissioners, but it locks the Board into the <br />bottom line price at the end of the process. Finally, because of this system that does not <br />work in his view, the Manager's assessment has the Board looking at the question as a <br />whale and if it is something that Orange County can afford to do. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the Manager suggested that the Board of County <br />Commissioners ask the school district to pay for the overage of casts for land and this is <br />an important element of a Board decision. <br />Valerie Foushee said that the school board was in agreement with pursuing the <br />interlocal agreement. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if district tax monies could also be used for capital <br />projects. John Link said the staff would recommend against this because of equity <br />issues between the two school systems. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked the school board why they decided not to use the <br />district tax monies. Superintendent Neil Pedersen said that they had heard the <br />suggestion before about not using the district tax. He said that they hope it is evident <br />that they have tried to come up with a plan that does not require anymore that is outside <br />of their control than necessary. They thought that using the district tax would raise other <br />questions. <br />Chair Brown asked about the $29.9 million figure for the standards and how much is <br />allocated far the land cost. Donna Dean said it is $1.5 million for 50 acres. The <br />appraised value for this site is $2.5 million far 63.7 acres. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the page far funding options - 5t" page <br />from the back of the CHCCS proposal. He said that last fall the County said that the <br />balance for impact fees was $6.2 million, but there is $3.2 million in the school's <br />proposal. He asked about how the difference came about. Superintendent Pedersen <br />said that it has to do with debt service. Steve Scroggs said that they used the impact fee <br />balance to pay the debt service during construction. The athletic facilities cost would <br />also come from the impact fee balance. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if it would be allowed for the district to build a <br />downtown high school according to DPI standards because of the acreage. <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that this is more of a guideline than a requirement. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Board made a commitment to the people who <br />live in the area of the site to provide a public comment opportunity. The Board is <br />committed to public comment for all school issues. <br />Chair Brown said that the Board has to vote on the reallocation of Elementary School <br />#10 money and it can be put on the May 6t" meeting as an agenda item to establish the <br />quarterly public hearing on the 27t". In between this, there will be an opportunity to <br />review the CIP at the work session on the 22"d <br />Commissioner Gordon clarified that the Board would not vote on the reallocation of <br />the Elementary School #10 money on the 6t", but the item can be put an the quarterly <br />public hearing. <br />Chair Brown said that her understanding was that she thought this was far a 1,500- <br />student high school. Superintendent Pedersen said that they have had several plans <br />under consideration but chose to build for 1,000 students expandable for 1,500. <br />Chair Brown made reference to the unfunded proposals and said that she thought <br />one was to convert Lincoln Center into a high school. Superintendent Pedersen said <br />that this still was an unfunded proposal. There is still same discussion about it and it will <br />not necessarily be a high school. <br />