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Rod Visser said that Smith Middle School is ready as an emergency shelter but because <br />of the ice storm and with the downed trees, it was not accessible. He will provide mare details <br />about Smith Middle School and what is generated. <br />Donna Dean said that they are looking at applying for federal grants for the generators <br />so the number of generators will depend on the amount of the grants. <br />Equipment and Vehicles: <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about Little River Park and haw we divided up the <br />maintenance with Durham County. John Link said that the County provides the maintenance <br />and Durham provides half the money. Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft said that the <br />money far development has been from grants but future costs will be split 50-50. Commissioner <br />Gordon asked that this be reflected. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about EMS and if there is an analysis of the rescue squad <br />and their potential capital needs. Rod Visser said that there is some information related to <br />ambulance needs in the short term. <br />EMS Director Nick Waters said that the County owns the ambulances that the rescue <br />squad uses and only growth will determine if they need more. <br />Government Services Center Addition: <br />Commissioner Gordon flagged this item. She recalls that the amount of money was $6 <br />million and now it is $8 million. <br />Lands Legacy Fund: <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the Opportunities Fund {page 28) and would like to <br />find a way to restore it because it was $500,000 and now it is only $200,000. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that if we do not restore the cut from last year, it should not <br />be a permanent cut. <br />Spartsplex: <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Sportsplex was funded by the County at $400,000. <br />She thinks that we need a fresh vision for the Sportsplex. It seems that after the capital <br />obligations are met, then maybe the Board could negotiate a better deal. She is concerned that <br />the total amount is $7.3 million. She would like to know about the last audit. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he also flagged this one and the total suggests that the <br />County needs to be more proactive if it is going to spend more than the building is worth over 10 <br />years. <br />Whitted Human Services Center: <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Board was supposed to get some kind of report <br />before considering it further. <br />Chair Brown said that it is being renovated at this time and the Board could get an <br />update on the renovations. <br />Northern Human Services Center: <br />Chair Brown said that the Board let go of the funding for renovation work. The money <br />that is designated here is going to help with the renewed septic system and allow expansion of <br />the use of the building. This does not include any money for any update or renovation on the <br />facility. She said that two years ago the Board let go of this money, but she would like to see <br />this project move ahead because it is very needed and important to the northern end of the <br />County. <br />