Orange County NC Website
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County that the <br />Board hereby requests the Senator and Representatives representing Orange County take the <br />following positions on legislation regarding the following matters: <br />2) Support Senate Bill 384, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, which seeks to <br />establish the exact location of the Durham Northern Loop Corridor. This bill also <br />directs funds allocated from the Highway Trust Fund for the Intrastate System, <br />including the widening of Interstate 85 in Orange County. Orange County opposes <br />the present design plan for Interstate 85 widening in Orange County. <br />3) Support Senate Bill 34, version 2, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B, that <br />seeks to establish a 2Q-member Highway Trust Fund Study Committee; <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Brown asked for the staff to stay alert to anything about mental health. <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Final Report from the <br />The Board received as information the final report prepared by the Human <br />Services Advisory Commission on the proceedings of its Human Services issues Forum for <br />2QQ2. <br />Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey introduced Co-Chair of the Human <br />Services Advisory Commission Rosetta Wash. This past fall, the Commission hosted its 13tH <br />annual forum at the Friday Center addressing issues of abuse across the population spectrum. <br />Milan Pham provided help with the PowerPoint presentation. <br />Rosetta Wash said that the forum was on September 10, 2QQ2. The purpose of <br />the forum was to ask the community to generate ideas for solving the problem of abuse against <br />the elderly, young children, teens, and domestic partners. Itwas awell-attended event. She <br />made reference to page four, which showed the participants in the forum. There was one <br />expert panelist for each of the populations and then one small group for each population <br />addressed. <br />The group results were broken down into four categories -Public Awareness <br />Information and Advocacy, Training and Education, Direct Service, and System Integration and <br />Communication. Under Public Awareness Information and Advocacy, it was suggested that the <br />Orange Book be updated. Under Training and Education, one of the suggestions was to teach <br />anger management in the schools. Under Direct Service, it was suggested that the Elder <br />Community Watch program be enhanced. An example of the System Integration and <br />Communication was to involve more youth in community decisions that affect youth. <br />Many of the participants were pleased with the expert panelists and that the <br />issues of abuse were broken dawn to cover the various populations. <br />