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Cammissianer Jacobs said that last year the Board discussed the six million <br />Jewish deaths in the holocaust and he thinks it was many millions more. He thinks that the <br />resolution should reflect this. He said that it was not only racial and religious intolerance, but <br />they executed people who they thought were mentally defective and with whom they did not <br />agree politically. <br />d. Resolution of Appreciation for Volunteers Serving on County Advisory <br />Boards and Commissions <br />The Board considered a resolution of appreciation far the volunteers who serve <br />on County Advisory Boards and Commissions and authorizing the Chair to sign the resolution. <br />Chair Brown said that this expresses the open government that we have and that <br />we actively seek people to serve on our boards and commissions to volunteer and support <br />county government without any discrimination. <br />Each volunteer will receive a bag that is crafted in Orange County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Cammissianer <br />Gordon to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION <br />VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION <br />IN <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />Whereas, the 30th annual National Volunteer Week has been designated as April 27thraugh <br />May 3, 2003, with a theme of "Celebrate Volunteers -The Spirit of America!" to recognize and <br />celebrate the efforts of volunteers at the local, state and national levels; and, <br />Whereas, thousands of volunteers give of their time, energy and expertise to Orange County <br />and other organizations to provide needed services to County residents; and, <br />Whereas, volunteers have greatly contributed to the enrichment of our communities to help <br />make Orange County a better place to live; and, <br />Whereas, volunteers are an invaluable asset to Orange County departments and agencies and <br />their service contributes to the cost effectiveness and efficiency of government operations; and, <br />Whereas, the involvement of volunteers has strengthened and reinforced the democratic <br />process with volunteers contributing their time to help address community challenges; and, <br />Whereas, during April, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners will show its <br />appreciation to its dedicated volunteers by presenting each with a gift, a canvas tote with the <br />seal of Orange County printed thereon, <br />Now Therefore be rt resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners sincerely thanks <br />the many volunteers for their community spirit, expertise, dedication and commitment to the <br />citizens of Orange County and hereby recognizes the week of April 27 through May 3, 2003 as <br />VOLUNTEER WEEK IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />This the 15th day of April 2003. <br />