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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />April 4, 2002 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Nicole Gooding -Ray, Hunter Schofield, Vice - Chair, Crauford Goodwin, <br />Barry Katz, Howard McAdams, Rachel Preston, Bob Strayhorn, Maria Tadd <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: - James Selkirk, Lynn Holtkamp, and Theodore Triebel <br />STAFF PRESENT: Eddie Kirk, Robert Davis, Catherine LaSpaluto <br />AGENDA ITEM #1: Chair Gooding -Ray called the meeting to order. <br />AGENDA ITEM #2: CONSIDERATIONS OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Preston asked for an update from staff about upcoming projects. This will be agenda item #9. <br />AGENDA ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES — March 6, 2002 <br />Chair Gooding -Ray stated that she had asked for an update on the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. This will <br />be done at the next meeting because Craig Benedict was not in attendance. <br />MOTION: Moved approval of the minutes for March 6, 2002. Seconded by Hunter <br />Schofield. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />AGENDA ITEM #4: PUBLIC CHARGE <br />The Chair dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br />AGENDA ITEM #5: CHAIR COMMENTS <br />Chair Gooding -Ray asked the staff for an update on the new Planning Board members. Davis said that the County <br />Commissioners appointed them on Tuesday night, but they had not received the packet, so the members decided <br />that they would start next month. The three new members will be given their oaths, as well as any members who <br />have not as yet taken their oaths. <br />AGENDA ITEM #6: COMMITTEE /ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS <br />a. Board of Adjustment — no meeting <br />b. Agricultural Preservation Board — Strayhorn invited the Planning Board to <br />attend a gathering at Blackwood Farm April 10, 2002. <br />c. Comprehensive Plan Update — This was discussed at the County <br />Commissioners' work session last night and they only got through a portion <br />of it. Appointments to the guidance committee will be made soon. Tom <br />Tempia will have more information on this next month. <br />d. Ordinance Review Committee — No meeting. The next meeting will be at <br />6:00 p.m. at Pop's Pizzeria, Hillsborough before the next Planning Board <br />meeting. <br />AGENDA ITEM #7: CONCEPT PLAN <br />a. The Forest at Little River Subdivision — Little River Township <br />9 lots 39.34 acres. <br />601 <br />