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"A cover letter addressed to Commissioner Chair Brown, a copy of the formal resolution, and <br />background documentation including documentation of the need for additional high school <br />capacity, description and analysis of the site, a financing strategy, and a sample site concept <br />plan was hand delivered to Commissioner Chair Brown and County Manager Link on Friday, <br />April 11, 2003, so as to make it available to all Commissioners and county staff. We have met <br />the timeline you previously identified for us earlier this year. <br />"I would also again like to publicly express our appreciation for the advice and counsel provided <br />during the site search by Commissioner Gordon, who is the BOCC-designated liaison for us on <br />this project; for elected officials and staff from the Town of Chapel Hill and the Town of <br />Carrboro; and for key Orange County staff with wham we have worked closely and <br />constructively aver the past fifteen months of due diligence for site identification and site <br />assessment, site acquisition strategy, and financing strategy. <br />"It is our hope that all parties will continue to collaboratively work together to help us plan and <br />construct a third high school far the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools that continues to raise the <br />level of excellence and community service for which this county is known." <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Nicholas Didow, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education <br />Chair Margaret Brown said that last Friday the County received their proposal for the <br />third high school and it was faxed out to all County Commissioners. The staff is going to look at <br />it and come back at another work session so there will be ample time to discuss it. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if there was a plan for a presentation on the 24th because <br />the maps were not clear on the fax. John Link said that they will have staff from Chapel Hill and <br />there will be representatives from the school board. Commissioner Halkiotis asked for a clean <br />copy of the maps. <br />All CHCCS board members agreed to attend the work session on the 24th <br />a. Task Farce Progress Reports <br />1. High School Planning Task Farce -Final Report <br />Rod Visser said that this group has been looking at potential sites for the third <br />CHCCS high school. They were looking at the properly on the east site of 15-501 that <br />ultimately did not work out. This is where the group left its work in November and the group felt <br />that it was finished. <br />2. School Facilities Task Farce -Progress Report <br />Rod Visser said that this group started meeting last May but has not met since <br />December. They worked with SAPFO issues and they will need to revisit issues of school <br />construction standards adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. There has also been <br />discussion about a different configuration for high schools {i.e., urban school setting}. <br />8. Schools and Land Use Councils Report <br />