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adhere to Board of County Commissioners' time frame. This is an internally-driven time frame. <br />Randy Copeland suggested giving this mare time. <br />Dana Thompson asked if the past merger studies could provide a blueprint for our <br />study to shorten the time. John Link said that the RTI study addressed the issues in more depth <br />and he would like to strive towards this. <br />Dana Thompson said that whenever she has made a request of the County staff, <br />they have always worked with eagerness. She would hope that her board would show the <br />same eagerness in providing information. She urged all to go into this with eagerness. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the Board did not approve this concept when it was <br />brought up by Commissioner Carey. The Board deferred it to a future discussion and there was <br />a significant discussion. This is a possibility of a Commissioner goal. He said that they were <br />very careful to state that they did not have any preconceived notion that they were heading <br />towards merger. He said that we need to be careful on haw we word this goal. The other <br />studies were done with the purpose of moving towards a merger. This is different - it is just a <br />goal and not a plan to merge. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the school boards' estimate of time to accomplish <br />the elements listed on the sheet in the fuchsia color. He also asked if the previous studies were <br />done after a decision was made to merge the school systems, or if they were done to provide <br />information to help the County Commissioners and school boards decide to merge. He would <br />not feel compelled to duplicate the same kind of report that RTI did if it was done with the intent <br />of showing how to do it. This is a multi-step process. <br />Superintendent Pedersen said that he has more concerns about the questions than <br />the time. For example, under Educational Student Impacts, number 2, "An analysis of the <br />impacts that a possible merger would have on current class size and current curriculum offered <br />in both districts." He said that he has no idea about this. He thinks it would require the boards <br />working together to come up with an answer. He said that he does not know where to begin to <br />answer these types of questions. <br />Gloria Faley said that she appreciates that this is going to be used as an <br />investigational document, but she is concerned about the timetable. She is trying to understand <br />haw hard and fast these dates are. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there is not enough time to even do the shortest <br />study. He said that this, as one the many goals of the County Commissioners, may or may nat <br />meet the timetable. He does not expect that all of these things can be done in this time period. <br />He is interested in hearing about the tax impacts and the long range benefits of merger. He is <br />trying to be realistic. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he thinks that this list of items is a collective document <br />done by the Board of County Commissioners and that some of these questions may not even <br />be able to be answered by an outside consultant. He suggested asking the staff to give it their <br />best shot within the established time frame. <br />Chair Brown said that what she has heard is if we had enough time, we would all <br />come together and come up with a really goad document. Time is a significant issue. <br />Delores Simpson said that since the idea of merger has resurfaced and now the <br />communities are becoming interested in this, she thinks we need to do the paperwork and get <br />the answers and have a Q&A forum with the community. <br />Chair Brown said that the Board of County Commissioners can discuss this again <br />and the timeframe could be extended with information gathered as we go along. <br />Jahn Link said that as the staff addresses those items on the yellow sheet, he would <br />share the interim report with all {elected officials and schoal superintendents}. He asked if the <br />school boards and superintendents would be willing to address the items under Finance and <br />Governance Implementation on the aqua sheet. He understands that some questions are <br />