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Commissioner Gordon made reference to the environmental constraints and said <br />that there are some intermittent streams in the area and if they are disturbed, they have to be <br />re-vegetated. This makes the building envelopes a little different and adds more constraints. <br />b. Process for and Commitment of Resources to School Merger Analysis <br />John Link made reference to the hand out, the detailed school merger implication <br />listing of elements to be pursued in examining the pros, cons, and other implications of potential <br />merger of the two school systems. He said that the County staff is committed to providing as <br />much information on each of the elements as passible. He explained what each of the colored <br />items meant on the document. The topic tonight is what all parties can contribute to the merger <br />issue. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the school boards had seen this document. John Link <br />said that they met with the Superintendents and school staff and they discussed how to work <br />together in responding to all of these elements. He hopes the school board members have <br />seen the list of elements. <br />Chair Brown asked John Link about the end product. <br />John Link showed a school merger study done by Research Triangle Institute for <br />Guilford County in 1985 and a smaller study done by Orange County in 1987. Both of the <br />studies were good. He also showed two other studies done in Cleveland and Durham Counties <br />that were not sa goad. If the County pursues consultants, then he thinks it would have to be <br />something like RTI. He said that the staff is just trying to generate as much information as <br />possible by the fall. He is comfortable doing this in-house, but if the boards want afull-blown <br />analysis of merger, then the RTI example is one to look at. <br />Valerie Foushee said that what is still vague is the time frame and the first status <br />report in June. She said that it would be helpful far the school board to know at what paint <br />these issues should be addressed to make the report timely. She made reference to Objective <br />2, Task A, and asked what defines appropriate public input. <br />Commissioner Carey responded from his perspective. He said that the Board has <br />not had the opportunity to discuss what appropriate public input would be until they get the <br />report and share it with the public in August. He said that the Board of County Commissioners <br />has never proceeded without public input before so it will continue its track record. <br />Jahn Link said that he would want to collaborate with the Superintendents to see <br />what elements could be addressed by the first reporting period by the end of June. The <br />financial impacts could be generated by the end of June but others will take more time. He said <br />that at the next Superintendent's meeting they could address as many of these elements as <br />possible. <br />Gloria Foley asked how long the other studies took to complete and John Link said <br />that the studies by the consultants took one year and the internal one with Orange County also <br />took at least one year. <br />Nick Didow said that he had a copy of the one done in 1987, but he could not recall <br />how many pages were in it. John Link said that it was about 200 pages in Orange County's <br />report. He said that he does not see the staff creating anything this large. <br />Elizabeth Carter said that they are concerned about the number of hours that would <br />go into this type of study. <br />Keith Cook said that he agrees that we would need to know about how long this <br />study will take. He would like to get a consultant to do this. He said that it seems that alot of <br />time is now being required by the school boards and that they have a lot on their plate now. <br />Randy Copeland asked if a four-month time frame would be sufficient to pull together <br />all of the information. John Link said that they would like to have a year but they would like to <br />