Agenda - 03-29-2012 - Abstract of Items
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-29-2012 - Meeting with Chapel Hill - Late
Agenda - 03-29-2012 - Abstract of Items
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12/4/2015 2:45:06 PM
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3/23/2012 12:32:17 PM
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Minutes 03-29-2012
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APPROVED t: <br />WHEREAS, the Work Group received a technical report from the County Engineer outlining the <br />basic alternatives available and approximate costs for providing sewer service to a portion of the <br />Greene Tract, which service would be necessary for the economical and practical provision of <br />affordable housing; and <br />WHEREAS, the Work Group concluded by consensus that "the carrying capacity of the land" <br />should be the determining factor in establishing how much of the unresolved 11 acres should be <br />earmarked for specific purposes, and that the ridge line reflected on the accompanying concept <br />map determines the portion (approximately one - third) of the 11 acres that can practically be <br />used for affordable housing served by a sewer line that would access the Greene Tract via <br />Purefoy Road: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Greene Tract Work Group does hereby <br />recommend that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, the Chapel Hill Town Council, and the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners accept the accompanying map as the Work Group's <br />consensus recommendation for a concept plan for that portion of the Greene Tract not deeded <br />exclusively to Orange County, with the acreage to be set aside for open space protected by <br />conservation easements approximating 85.90 acres and the acreage for affordable housing <br />approximating 18.10 acres; <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Greene Tract Work Group does hereby recommend to <br />the three governing boards that the acreage for affordable housing be placed in the Land Trust; <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Greene Tract Work Group does hereby recommend to <br />the three governing boards that the Managers investigate options for reimbursement of the Solid <br />Waste /Landfill Enterprise Fund for the portions of the site designated for affordable housing and <br />open space; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Greene Tract Work Group does hereby recommend to <br />the three governing boards that the triggering mechanism for reimbursement to the Solid <br />Waste /Landfill Enterprise Fund should be formal action taken by all three boards to approve <br />conservation easements protecting the designated open space, with such approvals taking <br />effect no sooner than July 1, 2003, and no later than July 1, 2005. <br />This, the 26"' day of June, 2002. <br />Moses Carey, Jr. <br />Chair <br />Greene Tract Work Group <br />46 <br />
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