Orange County NC Website
151 <br />W <br />LANDFILL FUND COMPARISON OF BALANCE SHEET FY1999 AND <br />STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS FY2011 <br />LIABILITIES <br />Current liabilities <br />Accounts payable <br />1999* <br />2011 <br />Accrued liabilities <br />Town <br />County <br />ASSETS <br />- <br />147,355 <br />Current assets <br />- <br />87,314 <br />Cash and cash equivalents /investments <br />$ 4,446,721 <br />$ 12,941,892 <br />Accounts receivable, state <br />- <br />67,486 <br />Accounts receivable, other <br />- <br />422,157 <br />Other <br />120,379 <br />- <br />Total current assets <br />4,567,100 <br />13,431,535 <br />Noncurrent assets: <br />2,372,362 <br />115966,601 <br />Land, land improvements & Bldgs <br />4,560,435 <br />- <br />Equipment <br />3,808,086 <br />- <br />Construction in Progress <br />1,281,256 <br />- <br />Non- depreciable Assets <br />2,687,198 <br />1,617,824 <br />Capital assets net of depreciation <br />- <br />4,806,084 <br />Accumulated Depreciation <br />(4,255,354) <br />- <br />Total noncurrent assets <br />5,394,423 <br />6,423,908 <br />Total assets <br />9,961,523 <br />19,855,443 <br />LIABILITIES <br />Current liabilities <br />Accounts payable <br />250,706 <br />432,282 <br />Accrued liabilities <br />64,130 <br />24,247 <br />Employee taxes and related withholdings <br />- <br />147,355 <br />Accrued interest <br />- <br />87,314 <br />Current portion of long -term debt <br />- <br />549,784 <br />Compensated absences, current portion <br />- <br />1495773 <br />Total current liabilities <br />314,836 <br />15390,755 <br />Noncurrent liabilities <br />Compensated absences <br />- <br />99,850 <br />Post Closing Liability <br />2,372,362 <br />115966,601 <br />OPEB Liability <br />- <br />1,197,787 <br />Long -term Debt <br />- <br />2,345,003 <br />Total noncurrent liabilities <br />2,372,362 <br />15,609,241 <br />Total liabilities <br />2,687,198 <br />16,9995996 <br />NET ASSETS <br />Invested in capital assets - 3,529,121 <br />Unrestricted - (673,674) <br />Contributed Capital 279,850 - <br />Retained Earnings 6,994,475 - <br />Total net assets $ 6,994,475 $ 3,529,121 <br />* The format for reporting enterprise fund balance sheet information changed to a net assets <br />presentation in 2003, therefore asset and liability categories may not be equivalent. The above <br />information is provided to show proportional changes over -time and may not represent strict <br />apple to apple comparisons. <br />