Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Jacobs said that he agrees with Commissioner Halkiotis on the issue of <br />authenticating the numbers. He asked if there was any discussion on changing the levels of <br />service as opposed to suspending the adequacy tests. John Link said that they have discussed <br />changing the levels of service. He said that the suspension scenario would get approved more <br />easily than changing the levels of service. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if suspension was indefinite. Geof Gledhill said that the <br />timing of the suspension would be until the next school was opened. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the update of the frequently asked questions. Craig <br />Benedict said that they are continuing to update this. Commissioner Jacobs said that it would <br />be good to give the FAQ to all of the other elected officials. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the concept of suspension would be same for the OCS <br />as for the CHCCS because you put money in the CIP and it is a suspension until you build the <br />facility. <br />John Link said that getting everyone on board is the most important thing and we need <br />to work through this for the next few years and the suspension would get others to sign off on <br />the SAPFO more quickly. <br />Craig Benedict spoke about the great strides they have made on the projection of <br />numbers. <br />Rod said that this is an update only this evening and the staff was not expecting any <br />decisions. <br />Chair Brown and Commissioner Halkiotis bath said that they support the Manager's <br />recommendation. Commissioner Gordon supports this with the understanding that they have <br />not changed the decision about the high school. Commissioner Jacobs and Chair Brown said <br />that they would prefer to change the levels of service, but if it is not feasible then we should go <br />with suspension of the adequacy tests. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that there must be checks and balances far these numbers. <br />The County has a responsibility to check the numbers. He is embarrassed because we failed <br />the test. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that we all need to check everybody else's numbers, but she <br />would like to say that they have come up with an agreement to have a system to figure out the <br />membership and the projections. She thinks this was a success. <br />Regarding the line in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School system, Rod Visser said that <br />the orange line is the line that Steve Scroggs described at the CHCCS Board meeting the other <br />night as being the line below which they have done the analysis of how many students there <br />are. He thinks that this defines the southern end of the district, but Mr. Scraggy did not put it in <br />exactly those terms. There are two charts in the PowerPoint presentation, which the Board will <br />receive, that show the number of students as of September 20, 2002 that live south and north of <br />that line at all school levels. This line runs from the Durham County line, up NC 54 to South <br />Columbia Street, then north to Franklin Street, then to Main Street in Carrboro, then back to NC <br />54 until the Bingham Township line. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this line is different from before and we need numbers <br />that are value neutral. <br />Craig Benedict said that soon they will have the address matching system completed <br />and the numbers can be analyzed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he does not understand this because he can show a <br />system that plats out multi-family housing and can tell how many children are in the units. This <br />is an old system. He said that if the NC Smart system cannot do this, then there is something <br />wrong with it. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked the Chair to invite Steve Scroggs to a televised meeting to <br />talk about this map and explain the numbers. <br />