Minutes - 20030325
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20030325
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Chair Brown suggested consolidating the information and setting up a larger meeting <br />with the Planning Board, etc. The information should be more simplistic. <br />Cara Crider said that she is a professional advocate of smart growth and she is <br />impressed with the Board and the staff grasping these concepts. She thinks it will be hard for <br />people to understand this information and a lot of outreach will have to take place. She loves <br />the idea of focus groups. She shares Commissioner Cordon's concerns that all of this is <br />dependent on the cooperation of the municipalities within the County. She would be hesitant to <br />go out in the community with any of this before there is a partnership. <br />Chair Brawn said that would never happen because we have our interlocal agreements <br />and she does not ever see stretching that. <br />Cara Crisler said that for issues like affordability, it is going to be a nightmare, and <br />people are going to call us on that. <br />Craig Benedict will provide a timeline proposal to the Board within a couple of weeks. <br />3. Report on Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance <br />The Board received as information an update on efforts to address the Schools <br />Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance {SAPFO) aspects specifically related to the Town of <br />Carrboro's work session of February 18, 2003. <br />Rod Visser reported that they had a meeting with representatives from each jurisdiction <br />involved in the SAPFO. The first issue is the CIP and Carrboro raised concerns about whether <br />the County would fallow through and have a fully funded CIP. They particularly raised a <br />concern about a middle school for which there was a need. He thinks this concern was <br />addressed at the meeting. He thinks Carrboro understands that when the CHCCS present their <br />CIP and the Board of County Commissioners adopt a CIP for the years 2003-2013, there will be <br />provision far a middle school {2008-2009) and it will be listed as a need in the CIP. <br />The second area was Carrboro's concerns about a de facto moratorium as it relates to <br />high school space. Carrboro's perspective is that the projections that were just done shows two <br />years out and there is an 86-student overage. Carrboro's view is that this puts us in a <br />moratorium situation. Craig Benedict tried to explain to Carrboro that if the SAPFO were in <br />place right now, based on the student generation rates associated with the Tischler study, there <br />are still 723 dwelling units that could be constructed before there would be a CAPS that <br />exceeds the 110°l0 level of service. <br />Craig Benedict said that the middle school adequacy test is being suspended in Orange <br />County until the new school opens up. The high school adequacy test in the CHCCS could be <br />suspended until the new high school space is available. This would address Carrboro's <br />concerns about the impending moratorium. <br />Rod Visser said that the third issue is CAPS administration. There is not consensus <br />among all of the administration for each jurisdiction on exactly haw CAPS are administered. <br />There is another meeting in ten days or so and Craig Benedict has circulated a computer <br />spreadsheet showing how it works. There was complete consensus that everyone that <br />associates with CAPS administration is able to explain it the same way to anyone walking in the <br />door. There must be something in writing. <br />Jahn Link said that Carrboro has gone through this process of dealing with differing <br />entities. His recommendation is to use what Rod Visser described so that there is no "cloud". It <br />takes all governing bodies to agree with the SAPFO to make it work. We are too close to an <br />agreement to not accommodate. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is concerned about how we can guarantee the <br />accuracy of the numbers. He still believes that the County needs to take the lead in <br />authenticating the numbers. The information needs to be irrefutable and should come from an <br />objective source. <br />
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