Orange County NC Website
g; CJPP Continuation Grant Application <br />The Board approved the submission of the FY 2003-04 grant application for the <br />continuation of the Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) operations in the <br />amount of $165,221 and authorized the Chair to sign the grant application. <br />h. Inter-local Agreement with the Town of Chapel Hill -Cost of GIS Products and <br />Services <br />The Board approved an inter-local agreement between Orange County and the Town <br />of Chapel Hill for the mutual purchase of GIS products from the Town's vendor, <br />Sanborn, Inc., subject to final review by the County Attorney, and authorized the <br />Manager to sign the agreement. <br />i. Bid Award: Buffer Planting Plan at the New C & D Landfill <br />The Board awarded Bid Number 1303 to GTW Landscaping of Rougemont, N.C at a <br />cost of $25,260 to provide and install landscaping material along the north side of <br />Eubanks Road to provide a visual buffer at the new construction and demolition <br />(C&D) landfill and authorized the Purchasing Director to execute the necessary <br />paperwork. <br />L Housing Rehabilitation ContractAward <br />The Board awarded one housing rehabilitation contract for the CDBG Housing <br />Rehabilitation Program to Taylor Home Improvements in the bid amount of $22,395. <br />k. Confirmation of Analytical Elements of Board Goal on Possible School Merger <br />The Board confirmed that the language in the revised goal statement accurately <br />reflects the elements of analysis needed for the Board to make an informed decision <br />on whether or not the Orange County Schools and Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools <br />should be merged. <br />I. Request to Appropriate Eno Fire Department's Fund Balance for Land <br />Acquisition <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda far separate <br />consideration. <br />VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: <br />I. Request to Appropriate Eno Fire Department's Fund Balance for Land <br />Acquisition <br />The Board considered approving a request from the Eno Fire Department's Board of <br />Directors to appropriate the District's county-held fund balance in the amount of <br />$32,621 to offset costs of property acquisition by the Eno Fire Department. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there is a community center at Palmer's Grove, but he <br />wondered if there was any consideration in talking about this new site to having a large <br />enough meeting space so that it could serve this part of the County. Budget Director <br />Donna Dean said that they have not discussed this option with the fire district, but they <br />can offer it for consideration. Commissioner Jacobs said that this is an opportunity to <br />partner with someone else. <br />EMS Director Nick Waters said that the fire district would probably be in favor of it <br />because they have asked if the County would consider an EMS bay. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked where they stood with widening plans for I-85 because <br />there were concerns about whether there would be an impact on the current site of the <br />station. Nick Waters has not received an update on this, but he will check. <br />